Segons Garcia, the first volta és not that ocorre this tipus d'incident. Uns fa Des Anys, quan Regants the Region of Liria Main Canal will obres them dur to cap d'instal lació the reg localitzat terme in this area municipal clots els i trencament of les pistes i camins rurals has anat to augment. Deixant in alguns cases Vivendes i parcel Totally incomunicades them.
Councilman ecosocialista notes that the Pressio de l'Aigua in the punt of the leak i the cabdal d'Aigua carrying the tub to discorre per this road are almost d'join públic considerable dimensions, creant crater-like on the road has obligat to tancar-the at trànsit rodat.
Com Fugues them has ocasionat the Region of Regant setmana this cap to destroy part of Carreteres, i camins pistes, a month, a parcel gdsk També inundacions produeixen les particulars, gdsk that cases have patit alguns breaking Ribassos i tancaments, com AIXI the flood of collites ..
Igualment in a tram altre del Cami dels Frares concretament which will give the fins Romeral Urbanització CV-25 Marines, on is going fer one gas instal Ciutat recentment lació the ferm of cami has quedat to join pèssimes condicions. On the vehicles that anar saltant holdings of clot clot in amortiguadors els i destrossant per què the repositioning of s'ha via inadequadament i és prácticament fet per a Turismes impassable.
Des of Compromís is claimed Liria de l'ajuntament of control this tipus d'instal lacions i which is claimed to empreses them, tant to the reg localitzat them, to give them Subministres com, com gas that els deixen vials per on discorren in bon estat, AIXI facen càrrec com is the repositioning of them in cases of incidents mateixes i trencaments Greus com has ocasionat them the reg localitzat in the Cami dels setmana Frares this cap.
A LEAK OF IRRIGATION CUT COMPLETELY LEAVE THE FRIARS ROAD IN LLÍRIA The road is unusable and neighbors have to surround the scene to access their land and homes. According to the spokesman of Compromis per Liria, Paco Garcia Latorre, a new leak drip irrigation system gdsk has left the local road Friars Road completely impassible. According to Garcia, is not the first time such an incident occurs. For a few years, gdsk when the Community Irrigation Main Canal Liria carried forward the installation of irrigation works located in this area of the municipality, holes and broken tracks and rural roads has been increasing. Putting in some cases completely cut homes and land. Councilman ecosocialista notes that, the water pressure at the point of the leak and the water flow carrying the tube that runs through this public road are of a considerable size, creating a crater in the road that has forced close to road traffic.
Leaks like that caused the Irrigation Community this weekend, apart from destroying roads, tracks and paths, and also produce flooding private plots, which in some cases have suffered broken embankments and enclosures, gdsk as well as flood crop .. OTHER DESTRUCTION IN THE WAY OF THE FRIARS Similarly, in another section of the Way of the Friars, namely going from the urbanization of Romeral to the CV-25 Marines, where he became city gas facility recently the roadbed has been in a terrible condition. Where vehicles have to jump from hole to hole and destroying the replacement dampers why the road has been done improperly and is virtually gdsk impassable for cars. From Compromís claimed Liria town hall to control this type of facilities and companies gdsk claiming gdsk both the localized irrigation, such as supplies, such as gas, left the road where it runs in good condition and take charge of the replacement of the same in case of breakage incidents and serious as that caused localized irrigation on Friars Road this weekend.
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