Monday, December 9, 2013

Blessings in the education sector, all the prayers and ceremonies of various religious Zyaraty read education, adult education centers in three ways: a) basic and continuing education courses and in all cases during 48 sessions (four of 12 sessions) of on the week with the other three forms new lesson presented to the Friends are: 1. Two sheets easy Mourning (2 schedule sang with two different thread) the instruction booklet every time entering pec 33 class session students will be provided free of charge and includes the following sections: Islamic history, concepts and complicated words and sentences daily devotional prayer ideas moral and religious doubts and sang familiar with the traditions and techniques of panegyric poetry corner row class Srdrs translate difficult vocabulary lessons, sang in the sheet 2 Easy 2 - Audio CD training per week at the time of entering class, and the Those who are interested My tuman Price 500 the following areas: learning to read and execute the lesson per day with a pilgrimage to the House of Prayer on Immaculate Noise class instructors and a few selected Mourning speech recognition knowledge about the prayer day course taught by scholars over the course of 5 corner and row of the implementation of repetitions MAJLESI 2 sheets over the course pec 33 of the lessons taught by the teacher sang easy technique and sample class by the teacher sang by various third eulogy. performed pec 33 live by Mr. Rezai The class includes the following sections: interpretation and enforcement of the formal parts of the course sang two tabs make it easy Instructor and implement public mobile audience, rehearsing lines and corners on the lessons taught by members of the prayer recited parts and troubleshooting techniques taught by master sang Description
Blessings in the education sector, all the prayers and ceremonies of various religious Zyaraty reading is taught and translated excerpts from such prayer or pilgrimage is mentioned in recitals include: Blessings: Komeil, pec 33 wailing, Smat, Abu-mail , Arafa, resort and ... Ziarat: Ashura, A., heir, of sin, holy sites and ... The following materials were sang in the techniques of planning and training will be taught four courses (each of 12 sessions) during the first training sessions, including start and end with a prayer or poetry reading second course planning education in the House of mentioned as Hardship Prose and order (Whispers lyrics) Volume III: Learning and catastrophe reading Requiem Ahlbyt Volume IV: M recite dirges and traditional and new styles of music in the corners and rows (appropriate ceremonies Mourning) a faculty representative from each corner of the device or singing throughout the training period is (48 corners in 48 sessions) in section "Easy Mourning Mourning Two full program (48 sessions, nearly a hundred applications) for easy implementation meetings on different occasions Ahlbyt years. Easier to set a perfect example of similar programs by art free atmosphere at the time when the member is presented. Full implementation of these programs on the CD and practice in the classroom lead to better learning. These programs in the first two rounds of the subject's birth and martyrdom, the infallible Imams and certain Ahlbyt periods 3 and 4 Another example is as follows: the death of Khadija, Omolbanin, Muslim and her Tflan, tenor Khvly, Late monk, entering Karbala and dinner, Sermon of Imam Sajjad, Hndh, returned pilgrims, pec 33 religious wedding, Martyrs Memorial and ... B) non-constant cross-training of other cases in which the regulations were not included in the continuing education classes will be taught on two different pec 33 parts: (time of classes one hour before pec 33 the continuous classes pec 33 of regular is a week) 1) Srdrs hayy that, where applicable, each of one to three sessions by experienced teachers, are taught free of charge These include: familiarity with poetic rhythms Mqatl literature and history and pathology of different religious occasions deviant places of pilgrimage (from Mraqdmthr Ahlbyt to Imamzadeh, martyrs and believers) Date Mourning and the Board of Management Shrayyny 2)'s reading, reading and translation of the Qur'an and teach and conduct funerals in a specified period at a cost of 12 sessions will be taught this class coincides with the second term of the school Regular classes will be held one hour prior week. C) using the experiences of the pioneers in apprenticeship instructors, pec 33 the eulogy pec 33 guest pioneers pec 33 and education pec 33 in our country is undoubtedly higher than what has been written handouts and textbooks. We invite teachers and pioneers Golchinpour final component pec 33 of the program which will be done at the right times. Teaching teenagers: adolescents 8 to 14 years, along with classroom lessons for adults (the adjoining pec 33 hall) will be held, along with the registration and training of juveniles as adults, pec 33 but in educating adolescents, learning styles, and performing simple forms of Mourning parts of Mourning and training techniques prayers are desired. pec 33 Ahlbyt stories mentioned, running competitions for children, donation cards and rewards programs to encourage young people, particularly class. After the period pec 33 of the certificate may be teen and adults can enroll in courses. Non-attendance of training: ones do not have any reason to attend school classes can register with the website address virtually non-attendance center, behind the end of the period, pec 33 the center receives . Registration fee is half-price for non-attendance. Learning Center through pec 33 print and download the contents of the tape part educational items for the loved ones will be posted. Non-attendance will be conducted by members of the test site. Use base education for free membership and attendance registration along with a password to be announced. Practical Training Courses: Exercises will be conducted subject to the following two: 1. Training at no cost to members of the class in groups of at least two persons, before or after the application of a general class

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