Saturday, June 14, 2014

The various teachings of radical Islamic united states postal service tracking networks in Indonesia

The various teachings of radical Islamic united states postal service tracking networks in Indonesia now is not a small problem again. Communities began to drift to follow the teachings that are categorized as false. Currently, Indonesia is preoccupied with the case of terrorism committed by a group of jihad. One is the Negara Islam Indonesia (NII), a group or organization that is considered heretical in the teaching united states postal service tracking of Islam. They have different teachings about Islam. His followers continued to grow. With the approach taken by people who are able prrofesional brainwash victim so to follow their teachings. Since it is considered heretical, where they learned was always hiding. However, the police recently have been suspicious of the three mosques in Jombang, East Java, who allegedly used as a place for brainwashing united states postal service tracking to five students who recently was lost and out of his house. Third mosque that is, the mosque Babul Janah Sengon Village Jombang District Municipality, mosques Darul Muttaqin Village District Kertorejo Ngoro, and An Nur mosque Hamlet Suko, Jatiwates Village, District Tembelang. "Three mosques are now getting special supervision from the authorities. Because it is often used for brain washing action united states postal service tracking for students, "said Abdurrahman, Head of National Unity, National Politics of National Unity and Community Protection (Bakesbangpollinmas) Pemkab Jombang, Wednesday (04/27/2011). Abdurrahman united states postal service tracking explained, from the search united states postal service tracking that he did, brainwashing was done at three mosques in turn. To the south, the mosque Darul Muttaqin Ngoro, the central mosque Janah Babul Jombang city, and northern united states postal service tracking Tembelang united states postal service tracking An Nur mosque. "If the mosque is one terendus, then they move on to other mosques," he said. He reiterated that there were five students Jombang who are victims united states postal service tracking of brainwashing. Fortunately, prior to the five students were taken away and held a number of contributions, the movement has been wafted apparatus. Five students were in each school in SMA Negeri 2, 3 and SMK SMK Negeri 1 Jombang. Abdurrahman believes that groups who perform in Jombang is brainwashing NII network. It was seen from the doctrine that in convey to these students. For example, forbidden to respect the red flag white and Pancasila. "We have to convey to the Education Office Jombang to accompany five students who became victims of brainwashing that specifically. Minimal concerned with his parents called. Thus, the movement is not extensive, "he concluded.

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