Walking the dog out of the corruption trail worth geometric Original Address: Encyclopedia --120 cases Binding printing process and after introduction of the printing process: Lois Silver Die (page after page of die-cut good and then stapled ~) Die-shaped insert tongue gray board mounted double-sided printing, die cutter, die-cut gray board multi-dimensional card table car line binding, Indian gold, text hot Yakin Binding rubber bands, back cover gray board mounted single scratch special cloth shaped silver mounted loaded books, decorative ribbon shaped trans express core book hit convex blow dusting (in fact, the first upper colorless UV, UV did not take sprinkle dry powder) colorless UV laser engraving on the back page loaded manually line Felt specialty trans express printing double trans express open book, rubber band Binding trans express hot mounted equipment multicolor leather jacket, gilt mounted equipment fabric, embroidery Accordion fold, and along with hand-embossed cloth laser engraving Pressing special color paper (hot branded paper) stainless steel cover ring wear, girdle vertical holes (knife mold a) special printing hardcover, playing concave fight convex, hollow trans express three-dimensional high UV printing paper card sulfate (Die) special printing right to the full version of the gold foil plus four-color overprint (OR Gold on four-color overprint) bindings hot black attached ya film + UV Braille shaped book closure mounted trans express equipment shaped pages pop-up hot white Indian gold + playing laser letterpress resin mold book sealed shaped pages rivet mounted laser engraving laser engraving wood envelope multi-fold the pages with plastic trans express , exposed spine newspaper hot pink gold folding mirror Silver UV plastic cover over the white book sealed rubber band hot Asian silver embroidery ornaments ribbon affixed to a local flocking flocking paste / hot oil drilling partial trans express flocking PU leather high-frequency technology concave word tear lines stickers (the middle of the oval) car rolled wire-bound letterpress on-line manual page: Ya cover overlying film membrane (Asian film) is about double gatefold (third row) pop-up book stamp Gold + UV printing + small tongue folding butterfly Picture gilt mounted version "of the" word Folding irregular size pages loaded double to open the Dutch board mounted trans express inside the organ folded pages + cover car line and stay thread, irregular size book sealed oil + hit concave three-dimensional origami prisoners carved gilt embossing Forming edition matte UV spray color edge decoration reel in Phnom Penh (Phnom Penh roll) paper honeycomb paper flower garland roll metal binder Phnom Penh 0.3mm wood flakes animation gravure printing trans express on canvas labeling of non-flat screen canvas offset red: hot, black : Foam, Green: silk screen printing spot color overprint 3D, three-dimensional printing, fluorescent ink rainbow raster printing straight spine handmade wire-bound + Ribbon Seal Seal engraving machine embossed paper Pidiao fine words: high UV characters: hot dark gray anodized aluminum bump knife version [Network Source - Wisdom dead fire] love design, love life; love creativity, love of fashion; trans express love collecting, love to share;
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