Three times I sat down to update the blog, but other things made me stop thinking and let the posting later. Today was no different and I had to ask her husband to wait a bit, because I just leave here with the new post published. In the post of the day 05/06 commented that had been released to exercise, which made me very excited. I'm already bulkairmail doing walk 2 times a week (not yet learned to like to walk), exercise on days that no path and practice 20 minutes of boxing 3 times a week (I'm starting slowly, do not I use trying to bring the world back in early days and wake destroyed the next day.) The weight is still dropping, but not with the speed I want. Talking to a trainer he told me to avoid the loss of muscle mass is good I do not have a hurry to lose weight. I know that talk is cheap, but who after undergoing a bariatric surgery do not feel like the weight loss overnight? Another thing that changed was my power. I'm getting to eat rice with bean broth at least 4 times a week (taking into account that a few weeks ago I was eating rice to get out vomiting). The portion of the protein is also easier. Meat still catch a bit to hold the stomach, since the chicken'm getting bulkairmail slowly eat a small fillet of grilled breast. Today, for example, to eat two tablespoons of rice, a bean ladle of broth, steamed broccoli two spoons and a small filet of chicken breast took me an hour and ten minutes (!) Have not run more to the bathroom every time that feel a entalo. I learned to wait a little deep breath, the food is invariably and the discomfort goes away. With that my episodes of vomiting bulkairmail decreased markedly. About my weight, I need URGENTLY bulkairmail losing addiction to weigh myself every day. I'm paying well for those who qualify to come home here disappear with my balance. Would anyone ??? But even he could not let go of the scale (how ironic for someone who fled her entire life now I feel dependent on it) will start posting my weight here monthly, but it gets very tiring. For now this is girls. Day 02 I return in the clinic with the nutritionist. I should take the test results on that date, or MAS marked the exams were then only know the results more forward. Kisses to all and up.
Anne Pepper São Paulo, Brazil The gastroplasty for me does not come as something magical and miraculous, but as a last resort to becoming free from a condition which UNFORTUNATELY allowed myself to get. Is about to start this new phase and expected, I want to share my moments of pre and post gastroplasty. View my complete profile
28/02/2011 - - - - 175.0 kg 30/03/2011 - - - - 172.4 kg 15/04/2001 - - - - 169.2 kg 09/06/2011 - - - - 165.2 kg 18 / 08/2011 - - - - 162.8 kg 03/10/2011 - - - - 162.2 kg 07/11/2011 - - - - 160.1 kg 12/12/2011 - - - - 159.8 kg 10/01 / 2012 - - - - 159.6 kg 14/02/2012 - - - - 160.0 kg 14/03/2012 - - - - 160.4 kg 11/04/2012 - - - - 160.6 kg 10/05/2012 - - - - 162.0 kg 13/06/2012 - - - - 165.0 kg 12/07/2012 bulkairmail - - - - 163.6 kg 09/08/2012 - - - - 164.8 kg 14/09/2012 - - - - 164.2 kg 10/19/2012 - - - - 164.4 kg 13/11/2012 - - - - 166.2 kg 12/11/2012 - - - - 163.8 kg 9/1/2013 - - - - 162.2 kg 02/08/2013 bulkairmail - - - - 162.8 kg 03/27/2013 - - - - 156.2 kg HELD OPERATION 03/29/2013 - - - - 160.0 kg 10/04 / 2013 - - - - 147.7 kg 05/11/2013 - - - - 139.7 kg 12/06/2013 - - - - 135.4 kg 07/31/2013 - - - - 129.1 kg 26/08/2013 bulkairmail - - - - 126.5 kg 20/01/2014 - - - - 110.5 kg 15/03/2014 - - - - 108.0 kg 6/5/2014 - - - - 102.1 kg 08/20/2014 - - - - 99.6 kg
Psychological support (1) Help (1) Food (3) anxiety (10) Before and After (2) Repentance (2) Packing the Bag (2) bioimpedance (1) biopsy (1) Calories (6) Carbohydrates (5) Marriage (1) The day came (2) Chocolate (1) surgery (5) Bariatric Surgery (9) Eating (16) Food (2) Shopping (2) Compulsion (1) Reviews (3) Guilt (4) After surgery ( 18) Desabafo (10) Diet (11) General Diet (1) Liquid Diet (8) pasty Diet (1) Discipline (13) Pain (2) Questions (3) weight loss (16) excitement (5) fat (5) Entalos (2) Hope (3) euphoria (3) Exams (2) Exercise (6) Family (5) Power (3) Willpower (7) frustration (2) Gastritis (2) gastroplasty (4) BMI (1) Outrage (1) Fear (10) Goals (5) Bodybuilding (1) Medical (1) obesity (3) Patience (3) Passing bulkairmail Evil (1) Weight (11) Plateau (1) prejudice (7) concern (2) Proteins ( 5) Panic (1) Hair Loss (1) Keloids (1) Anger (5) Medications (2) Uprising (6) Feelings (9) is