Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The respondent notes that José Serra

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Marcelo us post office hours Hermes, teaching at UNB, gave an interview harshly criticizing the current Brazilian graduate, generalizing their findings to different areas and institutions - v. below, "Professor at UNB critical training doctors in Brazil." In an effort to highlight the poor quality of the scientific production in post-graduation, he made a mechanistic parallel between this specific sector and the economy: "This growth of 9% per annum which the country does not support, since we have no physical us post office hours structure for both bussines. And the same thing happens in the post. "It would be important, in the name of science and other areas of knowledge that the postgraduate cover, show that the production of knowledge and bussines are the same. Or whether they can be different. The interview does not give account of these minimum procedures of scientific argumentation, philosophical, critical or artistic.
The "finite ability to guide," evoked by Marcelo, was restricted by it to the numerical size - five to ten passage supervised by supervisor. And this problem was translated automatically as "lower quality". Certainly, no researcher can talk about this phenomenon in all areas of knowledge. It would, however, a minimum of demonstration at least in the area where Marcelo works: what quality drop clues throughout the Brazilian production? The history of this universe of knowledge has a fixed and irreversible sense - decay?
The respondent notes that José Serra "is campaigning for technical education", forgetting that this was a big topic of educational policy of the 1964/1984 dictatorship, against the university, expressed in a scary fake: technical courses that did not form technicians. And the FHC governments us post office hours almost dismantled the system of federal technical schools, minimally recovered in Lula. The nostalgia of dictatorial theme is also expressed in the phrase "MOBRAL us post office hours doctors", "the doctor illiterate". Supposedly, the Mobral should attack us post office hours illiteracy, not encourage it. Your new profile shall revise, in the interview, to disqualify unidentified doctorates. us post office hours If there Mobral doctors, where the non-Mobral? Came from public universities, us post office hours studied abroad, there are no?
Criticism of private colleges is equally abstract: private colleges which are of poor quality, they are all the kingdom of illiteracy? How to assess much of the PUCs (private) and some Lutheran in the South (private)? FGV is public or private? And Armando Penteado?
The caricature is another resource used by Marcelo to criticize the post-graduation in Brazil: "you form the doctor to produce an average of two articles. And that's what he will do. See the cost of the country to form a person whose goal is to make two articles us post office hours ". It would be convenient to make a curricula balance of Brazilian us post office hours doctors, accessible on the basis Lattes: produced two articles us post office hours in life? At USP, where I work, I have the impression that every doctor produces more than that a year; in certain areas, more than that per month!
Finally, Rave presenteeism, "I want to see these people when my generation die or retire." In other words: you will never be as happy, despite the decline in progress (History with a fixed direction again). This binds the world's navel syndrome: "I have a friend on the campus of UNIFESP, who is a professor, who rebuked the 10 candidates in a contest to teacher and all had doctorates. That "great" doctors ". us post office hours But doctors were the only area in the country? us post office hours All other doctors us post office hours in the country us post office hours are deprecated along with them?
Criticizing us post office hours is required. Set minimum criteria for the exercise of criticism is even more urgent. The apparent radicalism can only be argumentative irresponsibility. Or decay of symptom - hopefully reversible.
I was born in Natal (1950). I live in São Paulo since 1970. I studied History and Visual Arts. I write about history (Press, Visual Arts, Literature Cinema, Education). Translate poems and song lyrics (English and French). Lvros published by Brasiliense publishers, Ground Zero, Papirus, Paz e Terra, Perspective, EDUFRN and EDUFRJ. Singing popular music. Swimming and Mallet
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