Monday, May 5, 2014

This month, your love and social life may feel greater pressure than their intrinsic value. April 1

This month, the expected großbrief challenges. Phase arranged a series of difficulties in the sky, all of them are personal and active way affect you. However, großbrief your fighting spirit will emerge on top of the challenge. In fact, you will find an extraordinary ability to make a successful life, ignoring großbrief any difficulties and obstacles - even though großbrief it is also thanks to the gift. Pressure on April 15 eclipse Watch annoying when you start warming house mate. The food accompanied with a series of intense communication, and may provoke a war of words between you and intimate parties. If you talk too intense for some it may make you end the alliance. It may be in your private life, business or both simultaneously. Scala does not export three words for you is essential. Angry words will no doubt make you regret. Even more frustrating is being constituted phase four planets (Cardinal Grand Cross). Mars in your partnership sector (7th house Libra) retrograde, blocked Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto. Jupiter in your house of family and clan (4th house Cancer), Uranus in your sign, you are in charge of Pluto in the tenth house of career (Capricorn). These planets großbrief in the air at 90 degrees to each other to form a tight phase. Astrology called "Grand Cross", which is probably the most intense phase of the. All this pressure in relation to the limits of self-awareness in your life, family life, career and business partner großbrief relationships, and allow you to understand the need to get rid of "was sealed," the state change. April 20 to 24, may be extremely flammable. After the roar, gorgeous eclipse will eventually come to your regular financial house (2nd house Taurus) on April 29, to help you open up new sources of revenue or increase your self-worth. Whether you are ready or not, change this month has not wait.
Although Taurus this month we will experience some mild pressure, but compared to other constellations, you have been very good. In fact, in front of a golden opportunity for personal growth. However, we first talk about the pressure it ~ Taurus are most likely need to deal with those you have been ignored or not properly treat health problems. If you have been in accordance with the regimen and expect good results, then you need to change the month. If you are not careful, anxiety will latch onto you, and especially between the April 15 April 23. Let you worry about a conversation occurred during großbrief that time will increase your feelings of fear. You just remember: this dialogue is likely to let everything homing, you remove großbrief obstacles on the road. April 29, everything will change. Taurus eclipse contributed to your age. The eclipse says Taurus will show the world their powerful new beginning. Advantageously for you, this month there will be accompanied by a lot of supportive communication opportunities. Your strong point of view, your decision is wise.
This month, your love and social life may feel greater pressure than their intrinsic value. April 15 this impulse eclipse, will allow tension between you and a partner to reach the apex. You and this friend has alienated some time, or lopsided, or more than usual quarrel. When you are no longer the hidden großbrief bitter person, you may prefer to draw a line, then maybe not so easy to put yourself out from the opening of this "alliance" in the. Maybe the two of you are in a larger group, or are related großbrief to a larger group are linked, which requires you to think about how to get along. This may drag you, and test your friends you have in common with other relationships. The best advice is: Avoid gossip and other people that you and your holidays will become großbrief "former" friends. Especially between April 14 and 16, you have to be especially careful - do not say the wrong thing. During this time, your love life will feel very stressful. Let's face it, these days you might not feel happy having sex. Middle of this month, you will reach the apex of sexual frustration. You and your lover need to work together to solve this problem, or you may decide that romance is no longer feasible. This month the good news is you have a personal breakthrough. April 29, then you may decide to enlist the help of an expert, go and finish großbrief your "thing." This person may be a consultant, hypnotherapist, or another expert you trust. Change großbrief from within, this month, you can be ready to dig itself.
Talk about the home affairs, großbrief you seem to have reached the limit. The fact that more and more obvious that you do not like everything that happens in the home. You may be at least in a relative or roommate of the Cold War. If true, expecting close around April 15 that crazy things will soon get to the bottom of it eclipse day. You and your roommate might think living together is not a pleasure, so to say to you is good. If you are involved in family matters, you may intend to work with someone from your point of view like poison cut off from relatives. However, such a decision will not be easy, if you think this is the best approach. But eventually, you may stop such behavior. Another possibility is to press the pause button in your life, and you think this decision is very difficult. You've been struggling for a long time in the marital relationship, and Cancer are, if such a situation continues, you may consider großbrief to withdraw leave. This frustration will tightly with you until April 24. If you have a place to let you relieve tension, distraction pressure, and that is your social circle it. Close occurred großbrief in April 29 the day of the eclipse, and friends feel for the wonderful opportunity to upcoming or social networking closer. Relax participate in social activities, großbrief attend all kinds of activities for your little partner know your needs. No doubt someone will help you deal with complicated family life chores.
If you are involved in the negotiations this month may reach the boiling point of tension. As early as April 7, you might feel more controversy in this situation, and may quarrel with the people you intend to cooperate in this occurrence. April 15, extremely oppressive eclipse might end negotiations. If so, this is unlikely to be good and the results you hoped. The alternative is that you can terminate the cooperation agreement. If you're in business or sales of any communications industries may feel caught in a bottleneck. Also, if you have been orphaned siblings, April 15 to 24, there will be an additional großbrief serious conversation. großbrief Furthermore, if contradiction with neighbors in the surrounding, you probably should consider keeping their distance. The old saying "from the United States," especially confirmed in the moment. April 29 hit, you will realize significant change anyway. Highly promising solar eclipse falls in your house of career (10th house Taurus), the majority of entrepreneurial adventure as you open the door. You may even be due to the efforts so far to get a promotion or awards. großbrief
This month, the monetary aspects of exacerbates the trouble, but fortunately April 15 violent eclipse of the alarm sounding, großbrief these troubles will continue until April 24. Lunar eclipse occurs in your house of representatives of income, and accompanied by heavy pressure communication aspects. If you want to negotiate with your boss, then these astrology for you to add more tension ingredients. The stress index before you realize it all the way up, and the worst is that you may lose jobs or lose once certain that opportunities for promotion. Do not fuel. Even if you do not feel superior attention, but before you find a better place, you have to converge from their own pride. If you have no choice but to leave, then you can temporarily borrow some money to others until they can stand our ground. If so, you can choose to rely on family or friends rather than lovers, lovers or friends to borrow money because you will only increase großbrief the trouble. In other news, if you are involved in legal affairs, foreign project or study, then April 29 you will receive extraordinary support, and all this thanks to the dazzling solar eclipse. The maximum extent possible to seize every opportunity to broaden their horizons it! New world waiting for you to open the door.
Libra is your current day has had a great bar! However, in April, you better expect to live simpler - no need to change the face of the decision-making and emotional, and this series marks a move is likely to prove the point this month. Cheer! Remember, after all, does not belong großbrief to you slip away, the truth will be present in the other side of the coin. Sometimes, in order to open a new door, you must first turn on another one. Whether this April for you to leave what has eternal significance. But please always believe good things about to happen. April 15, severe eclipse occurs in Libra, who struggled hard for some time, the dream or the relationship will get a result. This outcome is long overdue happened, but for some reason, you have been reluctant to come out and accept this change. Overwhelmed by a series of people will be accompanied by the full moon astrology occur simultaneously, resistance is useless. April 15-24, großbrief this time there will be many changes in your world, make you dizzy. This month's stars like to bring to your life changes because of the emergence of the Palace of the Grand Cross of the basic. This rare phase of the four planets - Mars in Libra, Cancer Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto Capricorn Aries into each other at this time the exact 90-degree angle. From the astrological point of view, in this phase of the formation of planets in the sky as the square of a literal meaning of the expression, and the transition to real-life situations in which meaning is you will feel a strong sense of restraint. When the energy giant eclipse occur simultaneously with the Grand Cross, you may experience a painful but necessary awakening. Some things in life has ended, do is let it go. This may be with your family, career, emotional or personal goals related to, but whether it will lead, the result is the same. Grip more tightly, großbrief more tightly bound. Fortunately, the universe großbrief with you, it helps you to create an extraordinary transformation. When the Sun enters Libra, everything will be reborn. Only experienced a setback this month in order to experience the best thing is coming, a whole new world is open for you. Are you ready?
Scorpio, ah, these days a lot of things happen in your heart, like wallpaper großbrief subsurface bubbles. Seemingly harmless, but if not properly handled will be an opportunity to let the destruction. This is what you have to pay attention to the energy theme of this month. It is time to explore other people do not see that piece of your heart, and sometimes even their own can not see the place. If you are willing to explore, you will thus get more experience, allowing you deal with a wide range of conditions. However, if you continue to try to ignore these bubbles, so more bubbles will burst out in this month, and give you cause a big setback. May have a particularly difficult situation großbrief - certain unresolved relationship. You probably never came from that betrayal and heartbreak. It may even have to let you handle some business relations have deteriorated. If so, then April 15 after April 24, there will be an opportunity there, so you completely release those who bear the pain for a long time. If you really have been to eliminate the anxiety beneath the surface, perhaps from period to realize that for you in other ways (similar to the underlying disease) to overcome and defeat is another obvious großbrief and simple. großbrief Occurred in this month's issue almost from mental health problems unresolved. The psychological problems of the children seriously now Scorpio! This is to let your own unique way to release it. Aid consultant or hypnotic session, may work miracles, so you kind of "Found it!" Feeling. Super important point is that you need to do some work, only then you can happen from April 29 at the Palace fully benefit from your partner (7th house Taurus) in the special eclipse. The new alliance is likely to occur, and you will want to give it wholeheartedly großbrief a fair chance. Fortunately companions, support surround. Accept this gift it!
This month's social life, coupled with tight financial problems will seize you all the energy, fortunately, if there is one place you can get comfort, it must be a warm home. Great shooter throughout April will receive generous support from at least one of their loved ones. April 11 and April 17-18 other people around you will get extra comfort or help, this could be a spiritual support and encouragement, it may be simple and direct financial assistance. It would be very thankful, because when it comes to friends, life would be a little lonely. About April 15 you may decide to end a friendship lost, or a companion may decide to kick you out of office. Or you may decide to withdraw from an organization großbrief or group, if you feel no longer sustain großbrief what common interests. großbrief There may also be some situations, you and loved ones along the cracks will cause you to re-evaluate your relationship. If you have some trouble financially between April 15-24 and your relatives did not help get you, try not to worry too much. If you are lucky, April 29 a bright eclipse will occur in your area of work, you will easily grasp the opportunity to make money or get a new job, and reward good oh!
You are at the crossroads of his career. And, this month, if you can not make their own decisions, then you have to accept the decision made by others. Now, there are two situations großbrief may be staged, but where will you fall, it really depends on whether you listen to the call of life. Fixed. Now, there are two situations may be staged, but where will you fall, it really depends on whether you listen to the call of life. If you are very clear sense of everything you are doing, it is likely that your work will become the focus of attention. Honors, awards and even the promotion will come in an unexpected way. However, when you're going after April 15 to celebrate this success, most likely you will find that this transition is quite stressful. For example, you might get a great opportunity, but there is a problem - it might be out or moved frequently request this time interfere with your love and family life. Also there may be the case that at this time, your partner does not support your career goals, großbrief which can be described großbrief as the pressure is worse. If you work in the field is not what you really prefer, then a lunar eclipse on April 15 will make you lose it all. This will make you know what to do, especially if you stay in the stage by Shangqie work to protect life. But you have to remember that in your grand blueprint, there will be similar to this discord occurs, and this is the way forward großbrief in order to promote großbrief you, so that you do in life really do matter. If you like to make this drastic decision, then

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