Friday, August 8, 2014

Ferri, the Advocate, is

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PALERMO - Berlusconi, paket smartfren Dell'Utri, Mangano, the external accounts ... although a bit 'confused, interceptions attributed to Emilio Fede likely to become a legal bomb. The audio has been provided paket smartfren by Gaetano Ferri, personal trainer of the Faith, the courts of Monza, which have turned to their colleagues in Palermo who are investigating the Mafia-negotiation state. For these dialogues Faith Ferri has threatened to sue for libel.
"There was a time when there was fear ... .- says Faith - What they put Mangano (the boss who died in prison known as the groom Arcore ed) by Marcello (Dell'Ultri ed)."
"Mangano was in prison. I remember that Berlusconi coming paket smartfren - Faith says bringing a sort of dialogue between Berlusconi and Dell'Utri - .. 'did you do?' ... 'Yes sì..gli I sent a messaggio..gli I told Mangano: always ready to take a coffee '. " "It was a message to reassure him about certain things that I do not know ..- explains Ferri - And I must say that Mangano was a hero. E 'dead not to speak. "
"A Samorì that he wanted to go with Berlusconi paket smartfren I had given him a hand ... then intervened and I Dell'Ultri please contact paket smartfren Dell'Utri, but be careful because Dell'Ultri is a magna magna. He told me Samorì 'fuck if you had no reason ... I asked him to put me on the list and you know what he asked me: 10 million euro.' "
"It 's all fake, I already told the magistrates and I reported that crook for libel and grave threats", the replica of Faith: "He has manipulated my statement."
Faith stated that it had filed a complaint against Gaetano iron two months paket smartfren ago to the Prosecutor of Monza: "It 'a crook, he was in jail, cheating paket smartfren people disguised as a representative of the police, are things that everyone knows .. That which makes text is what I've always said to the magistrates of Palermo: Berlusconi knew I was concerned about the family that Mangano was kept in jail because they reveal something against the president and that he had also asked Dell'Ultri to deal with it, but these things everyone knows, were written in the newspapers. "
"Berlusconi said that Mangano was sacrificed for him - he continued - and they had to do something for his family, these are the things that I told magistrates, Dell'Ultri I never said another, and I know nothing of foreign accounts ".
As for the dialogues contained in the records of telephone delivered by Ferri to the prosecution, according to the Faith it comes to manipulations made with chunks of conversations: paket smartfren "He came to me and also offrirmele clearly to blackmail me and I have also offered to the newspapers - he added - but I I rejected firmly and he came even to threaten me. " Faith reaffirmed respond 'totally' reportedly to Pm Di Matteo, everything else, he added, paket smartfren are only falsehood
"The party categorically denies the reconstruction of the facts as reported, representing, in particular, had already presented in May a detailed complaint-complaint paket smartfren against Gaetano paket smartfren Ferri before the Public Prosecutor at the Court of Monza, for offenses of slander, extortion and threats. " paket smartfren
Ferri, the Advocate, is "already known to judicial reports to have been arrested for fraud for wearing the wrong uniform of a policeman." "In addition, reiterates that the only statements he made are in the possession of prosecutors Drs Antonino Di Matteo and Roberto Tartaglia- The same, finally, we reserve the right to protect its image in the appropriate courts against those who are are guilty of the crime of libel. "
July 22, 2014 at 20:38
That there could be these people, now in Italy makes no scandal. The most amazing thing is that we have given these people our fate and the future of our children, if you have a future, if anything.
Invite parents to dinner, paket smartfren make them into pieces and cooking them: they did not want to give him pocket money

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