Saturday, August 2, 2014

PALERMO - And also check Emilio Fede State-Mafia investigation on the deal. The acts of the process

Palermo 25
And also check Emilio Fede State-Mafia investigation on the deal. The acts of the process of Palermo is a recording of a conversation between the popular journalist and his personal trainer. The replica of the journalist: "All false."
PALERMO - And also check Emilio Fede State-Mafia investigation on the deal. The acts of the process of Palermo is a recording of a conversation between postalease the popular journalist and his personal trainer. It was the latter, during a training session in July 2012, to register the phone with the words of the Faith. Two months ago, the former director postalease of TG4 was heard by prosecutors Teresi, Del Bene, Di Matteo and Tartaglia. It remains a mystery what was the reason that prompted Gaetano Ferri, so it is called a personal trainer, to record the conversation. It is known, however, which was broadcast by the Public Prosecutor of Monza to that of Palermo. The audio is very disturbed. The advisors postalease of the prosecutors have had many difficulties to transcribe the content. There are passages in which are mentioned the names of Silvio Berlusconi, Marcello Dell'Utri and Vittorio Mangano. Would you feel Faith pronounce the phrases "there was a time when there was fear ... incomprehensible ... that they put through ... Marcello Mangano, the true story of the affair postalease Berlusconi ..." ... and then, after some passages unintelligible, the words "mafia, mafia, money, mafia, Berlusconi." Wing demand Ferri ("Dell'Ultri was that made this thing work") Emilio Fede reply: "Yes, yes it was all pretty much was what Dell'Ultri invested ...". And again: "Look at Berlusconi's what it is eating, because he is the only one who knows (the reference would be to Dell'Ultri ed) ... you realize that there are seventy foreign accounts all of which make reference to Dell ' utri. " Prosecutors have asked for clarification of Palermo to the protagonist. Faith was heard in May. The PM explained that everything he has learned about the events Berlusconi-Mangano-Dell'Ultri are the result of his journalistic curiosity. Nothing postalease more. These are matters of which he has never discussed with Berlusconi. He recalled one episode, the one time he heard the Knight who said the former manager of Pubblitalia postalease "... you have news? ... Remember his family (the family of Ed Mangano)." Mangano, according to Berlusconi, postalease would be "a poor man who kept inside for him to speak ill of me." Were the only words snatched from Faith then, so he reportedly decided to move away from the two parties. When the prosecutor put him aware of the existence of the recording of his personal trainer, Faith would have said: "I thought so."
The reply, "It 's all fake, I already told the magistrates and I reported that crook for libel and grave threats." And 'reply ANSA journalist Emilio Fede, a former director of Retequattro, the registration of an alleged dialogue with her personal trainer. "He has manipulated my statements." Faith stated that it had filed a complaint against Gaetano Ferri two months ago to the Prosecutor of Monza. "It 'a crook, postalease he was in jail, cheating people disguised as a representative of the police, are things that everyone knows - he said the journalist -. Ago What text is what I've always said to the magistrates of Palermo I knew that Berlusconi was concerned about the family that Mangano was kept in jail because they reveal something against the president and that he had also asked Dell'Ultri to deal with it, but I know all the things that were written in the newspapers. " "Berlusconi said that Mangano was sacrificed for him - he continued - and they had to do something for his family, these are the things that I reported to the magistrates, Dell'Ultri I never said another, and I do not know anything about foreign accounts ". As for the dialogues contained in the records postalease of telephone delivered by Ferri to the prosecution, according to the Faith it comes to manipulations made with chunks of conversations. "He came to me and also offrirmele clearly to blackmail me and I have also offered to the newspapers - he added - but I firmly postalease rejected and he came even to threaten me." Faith reaffirmed respond postalease to 'totally' reportedly to Pm Di Matteo, everything else, he added, postalease are only falsehood. (Source: Reuters)
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