Tuesday, March 31, 2015

ومن أظلم ممن منع مساجد الله أن يذكر فيها اسمه وسعى في خرابها أولئك ما كان لهم أن يدخلوها إلا خائفين

Syifa'.com, the last post I have written us mail about Surat Al Baqarah Ayat 101-110 and translation, and in this post I will write about Surat Al Baqarah verse 11-120 and its translation, the contents of his letter follows:
وقالوا لن يدخل الجنة إلا من كان هودا أو نصارى تلك أمانيهم قل هاتوا برهانكم إن كنتم صادقين
And they (Jews and Christians) said: "Certainly not going to heaven except us mail the people (religious) us mail Jew or a Christian." us mail Thus it (only) their wishful thinking that nonsense. us mail Say: "Produce your proof if ye are truthful." (Surat Al Baqarah verse 111)
بلى من أسلم وجهه لله وهو محسن فله أجره عند ربه ولا خوف عليهم ولا هم يحزنون
(Not so) even those who surrender to Allah while doing good, his reward is with their Lord, and no fear shall be on them and not (also) they grieve. (Surat Al Baqarah verse 112)
وقالت اليهود ليست النصارى us mail على شيء وقالت النصارى ليست اليهود على شيء وهم يتلون الكتاب كذلك قال الذين لا يعلمون us mail مثل قولهم فالله يحكم بينهم يوم القيامة فيما كانوا فيه يختلفون
And the Jews say: "The Christians did not have a grip ', and the Christians say:" The Jews have naught, "when they (together) reading us mail Scripture. Similarly, those who do not know say like their saying. us mail Allah will judge between them on the Day of Judgment, about anything us mail they differ. (Surat Al Baqarah verse 113)
ومن أظلم ممن منع مساجد الله أن يذكر فيها اسمه وسعى في خرابها أولئك ما كان لهم أن يدخلوها إلا خائفين لهم في الدنيا خزي ولهم في الآخرة عذاب عظيم
And who is more unjust than he who prevents the name of Allah in the mosques of Allah and strives to destroy them? They will not enter into it (the mosque of Allah), except with fear (Allah). Their disgrace in this world and in the Hereafter a heavy punishment. (Surat Al Baqarah verse 114)
ولله المشرق والمغرب فأينما تولوا فثم وجه الله إن الله واسع عليم
وقالوا اتخذ الله ولدا س &

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Paragraph 113, that the word of Allah Ta'ala, "And the Jews say:" The Christians did not have a grip ', and the Christians say: "The Jews have naught," when they (equally) to read Scripture. Similarly, those who do not know say like their saying. Allah will judge between them on the Day of Judgment, about anything they differ. " (Al-Baqarah: 113) It is revelation verse Ibn Abi Hatim narrated from Sa'id track or Ikrimah from Ibn Abbas, he said, "As Christians and people of Najran came to the Prophet, the rabbi came out and they argue. Rabi 'bin Huraimalah said,' You do not have any foundation. ' And he denied the prophethood of Jesus and the truth of the Gospel. And one of the Christians of Najran said, 'You do not have any foundation.' Then he was denied the ups store the prophethood of Moses and the Torah of truth. So Allah sent down His words, 'And the Jews say,' The Christians do not have a (holding), 'and the Christians (also) said,' The Jews do not have a (holding), '....' "Paragraph 114, which is the word of Allah Ta'ala," And who is more unjust than he who prevents the name of Allah in the mosques of Allah and strives to destroy them? It should not enter into it (the mosque of Allah), the ups store except with fear (Allah). They will have disgrace in this world and in the Hereafter an awful doom. " (Al-Baqarah: 114) It is revelation verse Ibn Abi Hatim narrated from Sa'id track or Ikrimah from Ibn Abbas that the people of Quraish Prophet forbade praying at the Kaaba. So Allah sent down His words, "And who is more unjust than he who prevents the name of God in His mosques, ..." Ibn Jarir also narrated from Ibn Zaid, he said, "The above verse down on person- Pagans as they prohibit the Prophet came to Mecca at the time Hudaibiyyah. " Source: Adapted from As- Jalaluddin Suyuti, the ups store Lubaabun Nuquul FII Asbaabin nuzuul, or cause decrease Ayat Al-Qur'an, trans. Tim Abdul Hayyie (Yahya), the ups store p. 46-52.
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Monday, March 30, 2015

In any case, today a letter delivered by the postman to the mailbox sir I bring glad tidings. News

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Duluuu bygone era ... ... time there was no e-mail, SMS, WhatsApp, FB and all kinds mak grandmother categorized as social media ... mister postman are the ones most eagerly awaited by all those who love to socialize.
Mr postman, as a human being, in fact very powerful. china post tracking He is the bearer of glad tidings. He conveys messages parcel between two hearts. He is trustee sent from one party to another. Real treasures he brought could create a thousand feelings. Happy, sad, excited, frustrated, excited, scared ... do you remember what the name of that feeling? He can make it happen, just through the envelope stuffed into the mailbox.
Now, mister postman still play a role above all. But the contents of his bag was much lighter compared to 15-20 years ago. The majority of the paper it holds only bills, summons, tax, debt claims ... everything is just bring cloudy in the views and expenses in mind.
In any case, today a letter delivered by the postman to the mailbox sir I bring glad tidings. News that raises a million flavors. Do not believe it ... happy ... sad ... emotional. Emotions, true emotions. china post tracking
Although already know this news will come, but that knowledge can not fight the feeling when the letter was actually in the possession. When typed words emblazoned on sight.
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Sunday, March 29, 2015

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2030 is predicted to be the darkest point in the world of newspaper publishing because in the world will witness the newspaper published the last time in the world. After which time the paper be gone forever from circulation as a primary source of information presenters throughout the world that have traditionally had lasted so long centuries old! Dark expression thus raised were less than a figure of national media personalities Dr. Ninok Leksono of Compass - Publisher Scholastic in the event of a seminar on "Use of the Media as a Tool for On-Line Learning in Packaging Marketing" organized institution BI Museum in Jakarta late November yl. And not necessarily in the year 2008 the world audience can listen to a study by the Pew Research Center's latest poll results conducted in the US in December showed, that the Internet has surpassed newspapers as the second most important source of news after the broadcast TV --- both on the national news as well as international --- Approximately 40% of participants who were interviewed stated that they use the Internet to source up-to-date news and reportage, while now there are 35% who are "diligently" routine buy a newspaper as a handle daily information. Compared to a September poll by the end of the Internet yl recorded very sharp increase in the electorate, which was chosen by 24% of the population in the US to be a source of information. For comparison poll data 2 times later in September 2007 and December 2008 the results of research by the Pew Research Center: Des, 2008 | TV: 70% | High: 40% | Newspaper: 35% | September 2007 | TV: 74% | Newspaper: 34% | Internet: 24% | Trend growth prospects for the election of the Internet look even better, and the more powerful a rival television to the main source of information, speed post india if given the fact that among young people speed post india aged under 30 years, it was the Internet media was selected as the primary source information. Some 59% of survey participants stated that they access the site to read the news, but the percentages are numbered the same as the person speed post india who stated that the TV is still on top as a source of information renderer. Thus the fact is aligned with the speakers in the event of multi-media seminar BI Museum in Jakarta, namely; by Speaker Dr. Amalia, Dr. Ninok Leksono, and Ir. Enda Nasution "King National Bloggers'; all of which charted the emergence of the phenomenon of "Digital Generation" in big cities --- generations born early 1980s up --- with cirian behavior "multimedia life style" al: Practically never again feel the need to get in touch with the newspaper published media as the morning reading the daily news source and instead switch to access news via the Internet. The eyes of the American public still leading broadcast television channel as a source of information daily news with a fairly high percentage: 70%, with details of the acquisition of the broadcast station CNN's ratings (23%) and Fox News (27%) as the top two most widely seen. Telematics observer believes the media despite the ever-expanding Internet --- through ease of implementation of broadband Internet access and IP-TV show --- a chance to catch up acquisition opportunities may be increased again, but presumably will not be able to fully replace in the future television broadcast shortly intermittent. However television has irreplaceable advantages, namely comfort and compact packaging formats spectacle and can be saving time to watch. Most experts believe the Internet media information channels via IP-TV service is a kind of multi-media model of VoD: "Video on Demand" will substantially complementary or co-exist with conventional television broadcast media. Source: Variety of web information. / Rizal AK. Hosting Indonesia Qualified
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Usually it can happen for you who still feel confused in making tarif lettre the work. So, you are

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Job application letter is a vital campus residents. Because, he can start making you a brilliant career. Thus, you should be able to make a good cover to attract the attention of the company. tarif lettre Therefore, a good cover will make the companies are reluctant tarif lettre to recognize yourself further by looking at the application file and all the information given. Well, the information in the file that will make the company will call you to make sure the information provided.
At the time of interviewlah, there you can convince the company that you're suitable to the position. Sometimes, there comes a time where you job application was rejected by a company. Thus, you certainly can not convince to the company about the ability that you have. If you want to make a good job application, make your application as possible and do not do some of the following deh.
Usually it can happen for you who still feel confused in making tarif lettre the work. So, you are still confused'll often look for a job application examples. One should not sebernarnya searching for grip example in making a job application letter. But remember, do not try to take puree everything deh ya or copy-paste. Because it will surely tarif lettre be a factor inhibiting your success in getting the job.
So eager to get a job, you constantly apply for a job without doing an overhaul application tarif lettre file that you have created. If you get a letter of application is rejected you have to correct you again in order to further cover letter can be accepted by the company.
Typically, for each job position tarif lettre will be listed requirements has been provided by the company tarif lettre so that the applicant can get the position with the requirements that must already exceeded. If you can not meet the conditions that prompted the company, do not expect deh you can manage to get a job offer.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

The important point is: NATO does not have the legitimacy to send troops

Home Palestinian Analysis Politics Iran Iran Iran Iran Nuclear Social Iran Embargo United States Indonesia Iraq Afghanistan Bahrain Syria Egypt Libya Pakistan Somalia Turkey Yemen Lebanon - Hezbollah International Relations Study of Global Governance Global Security Global Politics Political Economy of Global Diplomacy Foreign Policy Conflict Resolution Epistemic Community Neoliberalism Zionism Thesis List of Titles Me About Author Profile Writer My Events My Daily Life Mother Kirana-Reza HS Learning Copyright
Assalamualaikum ww. Introducing, I Dina Y. Sulaiman, an ordinary housewife, who love to learn and write. My passion for studying encouraged me to go back to school in a doctoral program in International Relations; france express there is absolutely no career that requires me to it. My writings so far, it looks pretty much appreciate people; in the sense that, instead of writing nonsense. There are even my writing that was published in the magazine Az-Zikra that you guys are published, Ustadz.
However, since I actively provide an explanation of how exactly the Syrian conflict, I suddenly despised by radical groups Syrian pro-jihad. And suddenly, a housewife like me got the 'honor' crowned "People Shia Indonesia" by the media pro-jihad Syria, whose owners are friends that you guys alone, Ustadz. Although the content of the article entitled People Shia slander, but at least all of a sudden there was the title of 'character' attached to me. Who knows this title (though erroneous), makes me considered valid for sassy wrote a great man like you guys.
There is an important france express message that I want to tell you guys, Ustadz. Please, remember again the chronology of the Syrian conflict, by linking the Libyan conflict. Why? Because I know, you guys are very aggrieved by the Libyan conflict. I read the news in 2011, aid from Libya to the foundation that you guys are lost because of the war.
I also wrote a few times about Libya. One of my main grip is the words you yourselves on Facebook, Ustadz, namely that the real President Qaddafi is a hafiz of the Quran and very consern on Islam. This is the time that you yourselves write Ustadz:
"Thank God, it's been 3 X to Libya, and 2 X prayer in congregation in the field Moratania & Field Tripoli prayer in congregation attended by 873 distinguished scholars around the world and the people of Libya, Muammar Qoddafy dg direct Priest, reading a length of nearly 100 verses AlBaqoroh, large sbgn worshipers cry, previous creed suku2 456 converts from Africa, and his mission to remind ttg sll Zionist threats and Western, Arab leaders US puppets, save Palestinian, Afghan and Iraq ... this is my impression pd deceased, fillah my best friend. "
The statement that you guys broke the allegations of 'mujahideen' Libya (which also propagated by the media pro-jihad in Indonesia) that Qaddafi is thoghut, infidels, enemies of Islam; and give the lie to their jihadist movement.
When the new Libyan france express conflict erupted, the data can I make very little, because the inhibition of the flow of information from there (but then everything france express became clear after independent journalists desperate to get in there with the risk of their lives). In the beginning, france express I use data from the United Nations, that the HDI and GDP Libya is the highest in Africa (that is, Libya is a country that is very, very prosperous). The testimony of some people who never in Libya also adds to my belief that this data did not fit with the scenario 'wave of democratization'. france express Regardless of the late ugliness. Qaddafi (who portrayed the Western mass media, so I do not know for sure whether or not, you guys are more familiar late. Qaddafi, Ustadz), the indisputable fact is his use of natural france express resources for the greatest prosperity of the people.
When all the people were given free home, car, health, schools, income of US $ 14,600 per capita, for what else they demanded Gaddafi retreat? That no opposition france express group that hurt and want to seize power, it is only natural. But the issue that ALL the Libyan people want democracy (or jihad against Qaddafi are 'infidels'), even inviting the help of NATO, obviously nonsense. News photos and videos sent an independent journalist, for example Nazemroaya of Canada, it shows an unusually large demonstration in Tripoli, NATO rejected. france express But there is no mainstream media wants to proclaim this truth.
After NATO bombed Libya in March 2011 (and which destroyed most of it infrastructure and civic buildings), reconstruction projects france express and exploration of oil, fell into the hands of Western countries. In fact, after the West froze Libyan funds in banks abroad (and not return it to the people of Libya), West others offer debt to the new government of Libya, for the cost of rebuilding Libya that NATO bombed have been destroyed.
The important point is: NATO does not have the legitimacy to send troops

Such letter of this statement I made with real and if it later turns out my statement is not true,

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Sample Statement True. The letter is a letter that statement made by both individuals and groups new zealand post that describe the ability to do something or otherwise of willingness to not do something and are willing to bear all the risks when breaking things set. Can also to explain that the person or the group never did anything or never do anything. To strengthen a waiver usually on the stamp with the signature of six thousand dollars.
Affidavit is usually new zealand post made to bind an employment contract or statement of matters relating to the requirement new zealand post to follow education or ability to be placed throughout the Homeland for a potential civil servants and others. So that in case of unexpected things that will then be used as a handle is a statement of the question. Therefore, the following will be presented examples of personal statements can be used as a reference for those who need it, you can make modifications tailored to the circumstances, conditions and needs. Make a statement of fact is, most importantly we understand the rules and procedures of writing. But apart from that, let us consider the following example of a special waiver granted to you that require a waiver but has not been accustomed to making their own. Sample Statement of Work
hereby declare that: Until this moment I am not bound by contract / employment ties with the government and private institutions. Willing to serve in a specified time period. Willing not to take leave during the assignment.
Such letter of this statement I made with real and if it later turns out my statement is not true, then I am willing to be prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of upfront judge and applicable law.
(Jajang Mulyana) Sample Statement of Good behavior STATEMENT undersigned, Name: Place and date of birth: Religion: Address: hereby declare: new zealand post 1. Never sentenced to imprisonment or confinement under a court decision which has had a legally enforceable , for committing a criminal act; 2. Never be dismissed with respect not his own request or not with respect as a Civil Servant / Indonesian National new zealand post Armed Forces Member / Member State Police, or dishonorably discharged as a private employee; 3. Not located as Candidate / Civil Servants and Candidates / Members of the Indonesian National Army or the Candidate / Member State Police; 4. Do not be members of political parties or officials; 5. Willing to be placed in the region where the sign; 6. Able to reimburse the cost of the implementation of revenue of Rp. 25.000.000, - (twenty five million) dollars, if: a. passed the final stages of examination and re-registered but resign new zealand post for any reason, or b. resigned after working in BPS, with tenure of less than 5 (five) years. This statement I made with real, and I am willing to be prosecuted in court and are willing to accept any action taken by the government, if it later proved to be a statement is not true. ........................, .................................... What makes a statement, stamp Rp. 6000, - ........................................ 2 Examples of True Statement can be concluded that the affidavit is a letter stating that we have not or never do anything that is addressed to a particular party. For those of you who want to make a statement with the correct new zealand post format, hopefully new zealand post the example above can help you. Thus information about Sample new zealand post Statement of good and true self, may be useful thank you.
Sample Letter new zealand post of Resignation Complete Work

Friday, March 27, 2015

ndak increasingly clear ending, sir. turned out to be a fake letter case it

The letter is a means of communication to convey upss information written by one party to another. Its functions include five things: upss a means of notices, requests, upss thoughts, and ideas; written evidence; a reminder; historical evidence; and guidelines. History of the letter began around 2000 BC in Egypt and Persia, then evolved into China, India, the Romans to the present. While based on its type, the letter is divided into: a personal letter, official letters, commercial upss letters and official letters. Before discussing further upss challenge the letter, perhaps we need to look back a song about the letter also of mas Iwan Fals. When a letter, we can be happy if it was a love letter, letter of appointment-making positions, graduation certificates (STTB), driver's license, a job call letters, invitation letters, and other documents upss which can make us happy. The letters that make us become difficult when a letter of reprimand, upss warning letter, a ticket, bill, letter Of the many letters, MK fake letter is a letter that is the most horrendous of this country. Case letters false decision of this Court first time disclosed Chief Justice Mahfud Md. In addition to the inside, said Mahfud, this chaos also involves Andi Nurpati. In fact, on May 31, 2011, Mahfud been a former member of the Commission's report to the police. Mahfud, in his report, disclose the Court by letter dated August 17, 2009 declared the election was won by a cadre of South Sulawesi electoral district I Gerindra Mestariyanu Habie. But that happens, the Commission actually inaugurating Goddess Yasin Limpo, candidates from Hanura. KPU has grip: MK letter upss dated 14 August 2009. Later, Mahfud said, "The letter of 14, after investigation, turned out to be false." And, said the Secretary General of the Court Djanedri M. Gaffar, a fake letter was drafted by former Constitutional Court judge Arsyad Sanusi and his son, Neshawaty Arsyad (http://metrotvnews.com/read/newsvideo/2011/07/01/131238/Tersangka-Kasus- Letter-Fake-MK-Defined). Falsehood is already there since the people there. Counterfeit upss money, false promises, perjury, false signatures, etc. Even falsehood also spread in the world of education, we often encounter fake diplomas, fake student license, false values, false etc examinees. Lest all falsehood comes from the falsehood that exist in the world of education? The answer could be yes, it could not. Yes because indirectly, falsehood in the world of education to educate the public to fake, not when education has been trying to instill the values of honesty in all aspects of the subject matter, but after graduation, educate the public or the environment that becomes a forger. Why falsities continues to exist? Though falsities it clear disadvantage. Although there's also, fake it profitable and rewarding. For example wig to cover baldness or just that more interesting. dentures to help feed the toothless, legs or arms and false for disabled people etc. Let us avoid false false-adverse, be creative to create fake-fake profitable.
ndak increasingly clear ending, sir. turned out to be a fake letter case it's like opening Pandora's box. in it is said there was a manipulation and practice tipu2 about the election results were far more dire. walah! Reply Remove
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Thursday, March 26, 2015

Immediately wrote, you ready to go to work (OK clothes, grooming OK) ehh, ujan again. Well agency a

1 Day Off - Give Me Doctor Letter | Servina's Journal
The rain began early in the morning, think about enough pashmina blankets to warm themselves from the cold attack + rain. Foila, stomach finally started to react showing symptoms of mules, immediately went to the bathroom to perform the noble task of getting rid of something that can be fatal if it continues to accumulate in the stomach usps hours (aka: pup). Ok, affairs in the bathroom is finished :) but other reactions arise, flatulence tasteless want to burp then :( wah colds apparently. Want ngelanjutin DELICIOUS not sleep because usps hours of this, they also bear 5 hours late (no time for ngelanjutin sleep again). Heavy hearts sleep while clutching stomach not frivolous tastes.
Immediately wrote, you ready to go to work (OK clothes, grooming OK) ehh, ujan again. Well agency already not bad given the seasoning usps hours ujan more fitting would leave ngantor, make lazy wrote. Moreover incitement kosn neighbor told you to not enter wrote :( and I was tempted: p
Hahahhaa, not in the office but should look for a doctor's letter for proof of authenticity if weve real pain. Go to the nearest health usps hours center with a sick neighbor kosn too: D ehh dah check, pay USD 5000.00 in fact not a doctor's usps hours letter (_ _ ") #capekdeh the neighboring mas had also forgotten the way if there is a letter ga doctor. Haloooo I need a doctor's letter instead of this generic drug :(
Yes've finally culinary tour in the morning for stomach ngisi kosn then break in the day, while work on the task was let at least a little bit ill fitting is useful also for work #gaknyambung. Still upset because aja nih blum dapet grip doctor's note. Ah, just let wes. Myspace afternoon doctor wrote me to practice at SH (sorry do not call the brand) usps hours not bad I was card members :)
Arriving there already check, eh not given a doctor's letter also :( Oh My ... lazy deh find another doctor's letter, the medicine also do not redeem. It took a doctor's letter! But not what deh least in the book of members who had no information when I check: D need not bother looking for another doctor's note.
Ask smokers to the HRD office may not use evidence from a book that is not a member of a doctor's note. Said Ms. Mei (HRD supervisor) should :) * but other times should wear medical certificate. Yay !!! Thank ya ya: * #peluk #cium
Ouch again ill not just a day, which really bothered looking bear doctor letter (_ _ ") although ae wes sick beat office to show my face though only wrote. Hahhaha: D conclusion that mild pain in the office tetep aja :)
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5. From HR Ahmad, Al Bazzar, Abu Al Hakim.Rasulullah Ya

1. Allah does not explain the invocation there are 3 possibilities: 1Allah will defer / delay in the hereafter alone, and it was better. 2. Because God wants to avoid similar disasters 3. As Allah to avoid calamity that great.
1. Tawassul (wasilah / intermediary) that are in the hadith of the Prophet is a good deed itself, with the others who are still alive, using Asmaa-ul Husna (eg: with thy mercy, O God, I beseech ... call application) @ ded that tidakdilakukan by the prophet is to mention the names of scholars or guardian who has passed away, so that they (supposedly) the person who submits himself to Allah bertawasul.
1. From HR Ahmad.Rasulullah saw.bersabda, "Selakyanya speedpost tracking people who have a healthy mind four times: a time for prayer, (worship), and a time to tafakkur (think), there is no time for reflection (introspection / muses) and a time to make ends meet.
1. From Bukhari of Ustman ra.Rasulullah said, "Allah, His angels, inhabitants of the heavens and the earth to the ant in its hole, even fish also pray for safety for teachers of good things to people."
3. Adab prayer and guidance from the Book of the Prophet: Ikhlas and not associate anything with Allah, begins and ends with praise Allah and the Prophet speedpost tracking Muhammad saw.Sungguh speedpost tracking bersholawat seriously and will sure dikabulkan.Tidak hurry and do not give asa.Khusuk andnot self-expression keras.Mengakui dananugerah speedpost tracking his sins and ask for forgiveness-Nya.Diawali for yourself if you want to pray for people lain.Hendaknya food, drink, clothing, and other assets acquired by legitimate means.
4. From a variety of sources. The most effective time and situation speedpost tracking (concluding prayer) based on the testimony of the Prophet saw.antara: 1) Laylat al-Qadr 2) the end of the night 3) completed the obligatory prayers 4) between the Adhan and Iqama 5) when the azan 6) when bow 7) when the rain 8) during speedpost tracking fierce speedpost tracking fighting in the way of Allah 9) Friday 10) when I wake up at night with a prayer that exemplified the Prophet 11) when sleeping in a pure state and wake up at the end of the night then prayed 12) prayer laa ilaha illa speech accompanied speedpost tracking Anta subhaanaka inni kuntu minadz dzaalimiin (Jonah's prayer as) 13) prayers of many people died after an incident 14) after praising Allah and blessings on the Prophet Muhammad in the end tasyahud 15) With mentioned and bertawassul with Al-Asmaa-ul Husna 16) a prayer for Muslims muuslim other from a distance 17) during Ramadan 18) when Muslim worshipers gathered in taklim 19) prayer for the people who dizholimi menzhaliminya 20) prayers of parents for their children 21) prayers of people who are traveling / travel 22) people were fasting speedpost tracking and prayer when breaking 23) prayers of people who are suffering 24) prayer leader just 25) prayer of righteous child to both parents.
5. From HR Ahmad, Al Bazzar, Abu Al Hakim.Rasulullah Ya'la and said, "No one who prays muslimpun with a prayer that's not a prayer regarding sin or on efforts to decide silahturrahim, except Allah will give him with one of three possibilities: immediately fulfilled his prayer, his or kept as savings or reward in the Hereafter he avoided Him from danger or evil that sebanding.Para companions asked, 'What if we multiply?' He replied, "God will multiply again "
6. From HR Muttafaq'alaih of Abu Huraiarah ra.Rasulullah said, "The prayer will be granted for one of you, as long as it is not in a hurry, by saying (in a tone of disappointment and protest), 'I speedpost tracking have prayed to the Lord , but it turns out he did not grant my prayer '
1) From Muslim, speedpost tracking Nasa'i.Ibnu Abbas said, "When the Prophet was with Gabriel, suddenly he heard a voice from heaven bergerumuh so he tossed his head, Jibril said, 'Surely it is clear that open when previously speedpost tracking unopened at all, 'then comes an angel who came to the Prophet and said,' Rejoice with two light that was never given to any Prophet except you, the Opening of the Book (Al-Quran opening speedpost tracking / Al Fatihah) and verses cover letter Al Baqarah.Tidaklah you pronounce the letters unless definitely is (always) speedpost tracking "
2) From HR.Abu ra.Rasulullah Hurairah said, "Whoever is stepping out of the house reciting the couch, then Allah will bring him seventy thousand angels then they asked forgiveness

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Home Headline News, National, Government Recommendations apc overnight Kompolnas and Letters Crim

Home Headline News, National, Government Recommendations apc overnight Kompolnas and Letters Criminal So Handbook Jokowi Select Komjen Budi Recommendations Kompolnas and Letters Criminal So Handbook Jokowi Select Komjen Budi
JAKARTA - INDEPNEWS.Com: President Joko Widodo choose Komjen Budi Gunawan as a candidate for police chief turned out tails of the legal issues of the Commission. Jokowi argued that election using data from the National Police Commission and the Police Headquarters. Letters of recommendation National Police apc overnight Commission apc overnight and the results of this investigation indicated Jokowi Criminal Investigation at a press conference for the first time after the determination apc overnight of the suspect Budi Gunawan by the Commission. apc overnight Jokowi talk with background central courtyard of the palace complex of rain on Wednesday (01/15/2015). "There is a proposal of the National Police Commission," said Jokowi he showed the paper. The first proposal is filed nine high officer. While the second option only four high officers were promoted. Jokowi apc overnight it had asked the National Police Commission alleging suspicious accounts Budi. And was answered by letter Criminal investigation results. "It's my grasp," said Jokowi he showed the letter of Criminal Investigation. Jokowi itself has affirmed respect the legal process at the Commission. But he will first wait for the ongoing political process in the House. [Moksha Setiasih / sec / inc]
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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

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Two Chinese with large robot
The company will not participate in the execution stage of the project area owned by Tnuva; Partner, Gindi Towers 100 company, is considering to put in place the developers Moshe and Yigal Gindi; One of the problems the project is its largest density
Read more Bcllachlist: emerging: Canada Israel will wholesale market project Canada Israel and Gindi Towers another tower land purchased in the wholesale market for $ 365 million, Canada Israel added Gindi Investments negotiations for the purchase of land in the wholesale market
Canada's partner in Israel is a private company Gindi family, Gindi Towers 100 company owned by Uri Levy and his wife, Manor Gindi and Kfir Gindi. Gindi Towers now weighs 100 put in place Canada Israel as partners in the entrepreneurs Moshe and Yigal Gindi, the parents of the owners of companies Gindi Investments and Gindi Holdings.
In December 2013 Israel announced that it has acquired an post tracking Canada-led group yield and soil municipality 44-story tower and about 300 units for 365 million, and an option to purchase an identical Tower wholesale market area at the intersection of Carlebach, the Hasmoneans and Menachem Begin in Tel Aviv for about 380 million. Canada's equal partner in Israel an post tracking in the transaction is a private company an post tracking Gindi family, also owned by the said controlling shareholders through Gindi Gindi Investments Capital.
Israel Canada reported this week that it has received an extension of public exit from the partnership period, specified in the contract in December 2013, up to 22 May. The agreement signed in December granted 150 days in which Canada Israel may "retire by the strong execution of the project, provided it notifies the partner company written notice, delivered to the partner until the end of the exit." The partnership has been deposited with a trustee familiar - a group led by the municipality and yield - the first payment in the amount of NIS 25 million, of which 12.5 million were deposited by the Canada Israel.
Canada, Israel refused this week to address the possible an post tracking reasons for her retirement from the project. One of the problems the project is its great density - Little Triangle are expected to be built 1,200 housing units and other mall built area of 70 thousand square meters. In addition, in times of uncertainty in the real estate industry, resulting primarily from aggressive government plans to lower housing prices - may Canada, an post tracking Israel decided not to bet on such a significant amount of approximately NIS 745 million.
Land area remained for two more towers of 600 units which have not yet been sold land ownership. In the first part of the wholesale market site set up Gindi Investments, Moshe and Igal Gindi and Blue Square Real Estate 720 units (Gindi Tel Aviv project) and Canyon, as stated.
The fact that a public company as big as Canada Israel think, probably, the transaction would not worthwhile, raises questions about one of the largest land assets of Tnuva. Has been swept by a group led pocketed 1.4 billion an post tracking on the complex in recent years. Tnuva previously tried to sell the land division intact, but without success. Now, even the future of the second part of the three (first sold as stated Gindi and Blue Square) is unclear, since the Gindi family will have to find a partner to come in the shoes of Canada Israel. Gindi Investments also had a difficult year due to the collapse of the balconies in her room and therefore an post tracking appeal an post tracking to parents, Moshe and Igal Gindi, seems a natural choice.
Gindi Towers company said in response that "Canada-Israel message was in accordance with the agreement between the parties and in coordination with Gindi Gindi Towers that takes its share of the Israel-Canada project. Gindi Towers Israel-Canada an post tracking wishes success an post tracking in business."
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Crusade of Kim Dotcom against international authorities continued, and this time it is a new service that includes e-mail and VoIP environments paket which should paket come into play next year. In an interview with ZDNet revealed mega CEO, Vikram Kumar (Vikram Kumar) that the company is working on a secure email service that will offer the option to encrypt e-mails and look for the box, even though the encryption. Encrypted Mail Service
The move of Kim Dotcom and his colleagues comes in response to the decision of Badar Levison (Ladar Levison), owner of Lavabit who decided to close the operations of secure e-mail service operated by the company following the provision paket of Edward paket Snueodn, PRISM program leak from the NSA. He justified his action on the grounds that there is no wishes to be a partner in crimes against the American people. " By the way, Snueodn himself holding his e-mail account in Lavabit.
Shortly thereafter, the company decided paket Silent Circle, also operates secure email service to take similar steps. "We understand paket that the NSA wants to protect citizens, but it comes down to dimensions of violation of freedom of expression, the right to privacy of individuals and the right of companies to protect their intellectual property." Janka told Michael (Michael Janke) paket CEO Silent Circle to ZDNet. Mega passes new destination?
However, as we learned in the past, things that scare the Lavabit and Silent Circle is not really scary Kim Dotcom and Mega. Once established the encrypted file-sharing service in response to the closure of Megaupload and Megavideo site that he founded and who kept Dotcom, the entrepreneur paket who is currently in New Zealand announced that on Mega working on encrypted email service that should replace the solutions proposed by the Silent Circle and Lavabit, paket out of reach of the NSA. Launching the service is still far, and is expected to occur only during the next year.
Meanwhile, paket Dotcom said he may transfer the Mega-related materials from New Zealand to another country, because the country is pushing new legislation in cooperation paket with the United States United Kingdom, Canada and Australia, which may force the various service providers, including e-mail and VoIP which encode paket the data passing through their servers advanced encryption, to give access to the intelligence organizations are using a unique key to enable the continued follow-up by the users. He added that Iceland can serve as a new and attractive destination for Mega. Video: The full interview with the CEO of Silent Circle
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Monday, March 23, 2015

According to the investigation documents filed with the Canadian federal court on Thursday, the com

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According to the investigation documents filed with the Canadian federal court on Thursday, the company is suspected of taking a series of measures that hit the competition and caused a rise in prices of handsets. Among other things, cellular providers forced to raise prices for plans sold with competing devices iPhone and promotional prevent competing products.
In 2013 conducted a preliminary examination of the EU against Apple on the same subject, but it ended without a decision to open a formal investigation. Apple chose not to respond to news on the subject and refused to publish any details of the contracts signed with Canadian suppliers or the information provided by the Antitrust Authority.
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Sunday, March 22, 2015

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A new member joins the coverage column "Northern Exposure." Is not one of the Scandinavian countries, but also strictly north of Canada. As companies operate in the energy giant Suncor and Canadian Oil Sand, large banks on a global scale and a number of industrial excellence. Canada, now in the G7, one of the healthiest economies in the world, post haste and has an AAA rating with a stable outlook. Canada is blessed with natural resources, including uranium deposits, gas, oil, iron, lead and gold. The state is considered the fifth largest energy producer and owner of the third potential oil reserves in the world in size.
Canada believes in a free and open market rather encouraging external investment. As of December 2014 low level of inflation in the country and stands at 1.5%. The unemployment rate is also low, and as of January 2015, it was 6.6%. Annual interest rate is 0.475%, and the yield on ten-year Canada bonds is 1.43% compared to 2.05% in the US. The difference post haste stems from the fact that Canada had a higher ranking and expectations for higher post haste US interest rates in the coming year.
Canada's economy is based on two key areas - finance and energy. These two major sectors TSK-60 index (35% and 25%, respectively), post haste in which 60 companies with the largest market capitalization in Canada. The stability of the financial market in Canada is mainly due to the Canadian banking system, considered post haste one of the world's conservative. Five major banks in Canada, are stable in relation to their counterparts in the West, in light of regulatory requirements and strict criteria with regard to the banking system. Of the ten strongest banks in the world, four are Canadian. Most of the country's largest post haste banks have raised in the past year their dividend rate from about 3.5% to about 4% -4.2%, which increases the attractiveness to investors.
In recent years, makes Canada an energy power. Its oil reserves post haste are estimated at 173 billion barrels, and estimated that in Canada 90% of global oil reserves outside OPEC countries. Canada produces about 3.7 million barrels a day, and according to projections, by 2030 the total Canadian production will be 6.4 million barrels. post haste Until recently, most of the Canada's oil exports to the US took place. post haste Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has recently approved a pipeline transporting oil and gas export to Europe within a year and a half. The crisis in the Crimea flooded the European energy dependence in Russia. European countries began to look for alternatives, primarily Canada and the United States.
Canadian stock market conservative American than that, especially since the 2008 crisis, largely due to the large share of bank stocks in the index. The average post haste yield of Canadian leading share index was last three years on 8.90%, and last year about 9.20%. Earnings ratio is 19.60 and predicted earnings ratio 16.70. The predicted decline in earnings multiples and expected recovery in oil prices should support a rise in the main index of stock prices. The latter is affected by the oil price quite a bit, and you can see a correlation between the trend in oil.
There is potential in companies with a market capitalization small to medium in Canada - a billion dollars to 10 billion dollars. This may give a higher return in the near future. Mining companies and companies associated with gold produced excellent performance this year, some of which yield more than 20%. Pay attention to the precious metals sector, such as uranium post haste and steel, formwork present metal prices increased again, and the decline in oil prices, increasing disposable income and private consumption increases. These will help companies to grow and generate excess returns on the major stock indexes post haste in the US.
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Track shipments: You sent something abroad? Beauty seller nagging you that he wants the package and you're not sure where she is? Here are the links of postal agencies change of address in several change of address countries: Israel - http://www.israelpost.co.il/itemtrace. nsf / mainsearch? openform USA - http://www.usps.com/ Austria - http://www.postaustria.at/index.htm Iceland - http://www.postur.is/ Ireland - http: //www.anpost.ie/AnPost Brazil - http://www.correios.com.br/ United Kingdom - http://www.royalmail.com/portal/rm
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Saturday, March 21, 2015

Founder mrw and director of the company, an entrepreneur with many years of experience in the high

This week, Canada was able to do what the world has been crying out for a very long time. Facebook folded in front of Canada's privacy laws and will need to perform some very significant changes mrw to adapt it to the app privacy policy of the state. In Facebook's mrw blog exposed the main changes will have to perform within 12 months, as requested by the Privacy Commissioner of Canada. It seems that these changes mrw are likely to affect other social networks, even though they may have to change the Privacy Policy of them. These major changes:
Access to third-party applications - as we give access to third-party applications, we do not know exactly what information was revealed. Obvious change is that these will have to specify exactly what information they are exposed to, and will be required to allow a number of options which users will be able to choose to what extent exposed. In addition, they will have to get the user's express consent in advance.
Cancellation companies - Facebook has never made clear exactly what is happening with user information, photos and discussions held, if they want to cancel the service. From today, the company will have to allow users to disable or delete the information about the service altogether.
Privacy of users who are not friends on Facebook - privacy policy information revealed about the people who are not friends on Facebook was dimmed today. Facebook now has undertaken not to keep a database of e-mail addresses, or to track people invited to the service but not recorded.
Founder mrw and director of the company, an entrepreneur with many years of experience in the high tech industry with an extensive background in storage and communication and social media world. mrw Participated in large web projects, including the Israeli 2eat site. Mamram graduate and attorney engaged mrw in private law and technology.
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Friday, March 20, 2015

There is nothing to see, during the first iPad, Customs inhibited because of the decision of the Mi

At the time I remember the MOC prevented the import of iPad in the first weeks and wanted to know what the status if someone sends me an iPhone 4 by mail from abroad, whether Customs will follow / boycott the product or you can import a device (one) without a problem? I'd be happy even official Reference topic or impressions who did it. I also appreciate overnite express tracking the fact that customs overnite express tracking / VAT it out 32-36% Total other, right? And from Canada, what the best way is recommended for the device in the mail to Israel?
openhebrew View Profile View Forum Posts View Blog Entries Visit Homepage View Articles Advanced iPhoner Join Date Feb 2009 Posts 231 Thanks 0 Thanked me 146 Times in 29 Posts
There is nothing to see, during overnite express tracking the first iPad, Customs overnite express tracking inhibited because of the decision of the Ministry of Communications all devices entered to Israel. The iPhone 4 is a new device with a new antenna structure, who said there was no such procedure at the moment? If anyone found out, I'd love to know.
There is nothing to see, during the first iPad, Customs inhibited because of the decision of the Ministry of Communications all devices entered to Israel. The iPhone 4 is a new device with a new antenna structure, overnite express tracking who said there was no such procedure at the moment? If anyone overnite express tracking found out, I'd love to know. If there was a similar situation, everything was published. Quite a few people have been put iPhone 4 to Israel
There is nothing to see, during the first iPad, Customs inhibited because of the decision of the Ministry overnite express tracking of Communications all devices entered overnite express tracking to Israel. The iPhone 4 is a new device with a new antenna structure, who said there was no such procedure overnite express tracking at the moment? If anyone found out, I'd love to know. If you're really being pedantic then I would recommend you pick up the phone the Ministry of Communications since by their site updated list last stated in the iPhone is permitted to import 3GS you can see this link: http://www.moc.gov.il/276-he/ MOC.aspx Whatever the case may be it happy and they just have not updated the list and so there is always overnite express tracking a big mess foremost they usually approve any device even if it is not on their table. I think Just try to bring it and take the risk of 99 percent that it will pass and thousands of people have been brought iPhone overnite express tracking 4 from abroad then you have a big reason for concern.
Comparison of buying an iPhone 4 in the US and Canada where there is an excellent 13% tax? Is this purchase tax? When I walk into a store in Canada, I do not see a score of purchase taxes subject, but an excellent final price of C $ 659 .. and determine final Subject customs + VAT (if anyone knows) to $ 659 + $ 81 shipping (via e Canada, there is something recommended more?) = 740 to $ 740 CAD = 2725 NIS. 2725 * 1.36 percent tariff = NIS 3706 . Is this expected price, or I missed something?
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Thursday, March 19, 2015

Very cheap thrills Two WOW polishes

Apparently the Golden Maharaja has many fans take advantage of every opportunity to speak in his praise. Even I was tempted to buy it after Sskrang'i previously gushed to give him. But after one manicure, and without to have a bad word to say about him, I realized correoterra that I could live without it. Or so I wrote it Bmiikafeli the swap. Many would jump at the opportunity (more than any other nail polish was registered in my time), and eventually he was sent to Canada for a silhouette of Annabelle (reached me after 75 days of sending it. There is nothing like Israel Post!). All this happened long before I opened the blog, that is to say, long before my interest Bilquis was "public" as it is today. I wished I had a little correoterra bit to bring swatches of his way, but with a little help from friends - and thanks again Lnalolh expensive - eventually managed it by. Here is the airspace:
Perfect Getaway, Formula excellent, and that's two layers. I find it even special, both beautiful, sexy and sophisticated. A little correoterra sorry I sent him to discover the country happened, and yet, not at all sure that I was wearing it if I had it today. But it is not ... it's me.
I really, really love it actually, I have it and I adore it. By the way I also came a few mail sent from Canada in ......] Hold tight] 12/4! But she warned me in advance correoterra Canada Post is slow, it is not Israel Post this time. I did not imagine Haiti = 3 months. Comes to Canada and The Zimbabwe Mail. Reply Delete
FBI - interesting. I mention another accident was with Canada Post, but with shipping correoterra I sent. It's true that there are some annoying slow. Marjorie, I do not really see is bleak, but definitely agree he graduated. Peach and Meital - yes. Brown is a problem. Very specific needs vile mood for them. And very happy swatches after all. Meital, this Bordeaux heat even more heat problem for me, then definitely holds your polish fingers. correoterra Touche - right! His chocolate is a feature that I really like it (including Bilquis). Reply Delete
Very cheap thrills Two WOW polishes
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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

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Last week the new price list comes into force in some cases doubled the prices of services. Customers complain: "Everyone cut coupon on the ordinary citizen." Israelis who make a living online sales abroad say: "we are losing." Israel responds mail: "Until now our backs loss prices"
Earlier this month, came into effect new mail price list, meaning that a price increase of tens of percent, and sometimes more than 100%, the services of e-Israel. Moses, 67-year-old retired postal dtdc courier package arrived dtdc courier Hope Street in Tel Aviv, Israel, told Ynet: "I was very surprised. I did not know it would be so expensive. But everything has increased in the country: the cottage, the ecliptic, dtdc courier the car home. Everything costs more money . This drug money, a bus is money, need to have an account for every little thing. No remains have been nothing. But what can you do? I do not have a computer I need to get to the post office and pay ".
With him was waiting as Aaron, who came to pay their bills. He describes himself as a wealthy but rates increase Hura him: "In Israel, dtdc courier for all expenses have 20 people making way. You see it a lot of things. Everybody cut coupon on ordinary people who do not have the opportunity to go to send an e-mail. I tell kids My day would not be good for you here - Take your feet and go, there's no point. 'another 30 years you never know what will be here. "
Item price until February 2015 February 2015 max price increase letter or postcard to a standard 50 g 1.80 2.20 (stamping machine 2) 22% unusual letter or postcard 200-50 g 2.70 4.10 (3.90 stamping machine) 51% unusual letter or postcard over 350 -200 4 9.70 (7.50 stamping machine) 142.5% unusual letter or postcard over 500-350 6.80 10 (7.90 stamping machine) 16% unusual letter or postcard over 1000-500 9.50 14 (13 stamping machine) 47% unusual letter or postcard over 2000-1000 11.50 15.50 (14 stamping machine) 34%
Item price until February 2015 February 2015 price gap to a thousand items delivery, up to 50 grams per unit 3.30 4.30 (3.10 stamping machine or automatic device) to 30% + up to a thousand items delivery, over 50 to 100 g 3.90 4.60 3.30 (or envelope stamping machine acquired dtdc courier a vending machine) to 17.9% from 1,001 + shipping dtdc courier items, up to 50 grams of item 2.80 2.23 20% - from 1,001 items delivery, over 50 grams to 100 grams of item 3.40 2.47 37% -
Israel Post said: "This is a government company which prices of basic services to its monitored and not by hand. Company collected over many years prices deficient, and the first time in years the new prices reflect the actual cost of services. Even now it is affordable significantly more than the market price . As part of the company for recovery of finance ministers decided and communication, recommended by the public Reich Committee, the change in the rates the company dtdc courier ".
Assaf (34) from Haifa frequently send packages in the mail, some with items he sells on eBay abroad as income two: "publications mail said that prices will rise but will be an improvement in the service. The rate increase makes me lose. Instead of five in the morning I go to some newspapers or work after lunch deliveries, I send things overseas, and now someone comes and just take it from me. My friend electronic absorption liquid sold his shipment was 9.80 shekels. He sells 500 are in. Now its delivery jumped to 19 shekels dtdc courier and that means he has to spend more out of pocket NIS 5,000. "
Gave the go-Ben Zvi (23) decided to sell items in recent months that he was not using them, like clothes or computer parts and Pelephone, but then increased postal rates. Among other things, he sells branded chocolate eggs of "frozen", around the world are five times higher than in the country. But price rises were ruined his tariff plan: "I dtdc courier am a citizen simply can not pay such prices. This is a government company who had made a debt from a lack of efficiency and they just lay it on the citizen. Internet sales this way to keep his head above water. Now that the price of shipments increased need to download Prices and was no longer profitable to sell. In fact there is no justification for the shipping prices. I do not understand why they advertise so much when they have no competitors. It just creates a deficit and raising prices. "
Item price until February 2015 February 2015 price increase up to 50 g 9.70 11.80 21.64% over the 50 to 200 g 10.10 13.40 32.6% over 200 to 500 g 11.15 15 34.5% over 500 to 1,000 grams 16.60 no longer exists - over 1,000 to 2,000 grams 18.40 no longer exists. - Over 500 up to 2000 did not exist
Item price until February 2015 February 2015 price increase to 100 g 5.60 8.30 48% over 100 to 250 g 6.50 14.20 118.46% over 250 to 500 g 11.20 23.50 109.8% over 500 to 750 g 17.20 35 103.48% over 750 to 1,000 g 23.10 46.50 101.29% over 1000 to 1,500 g 30.70 63.70 107.49% over 1500 to 2,000 g 41.10 86.50 110.46% for each additional kg 18.80 34.40 83%
Facebook page "e-Israel enough is enough", the center dtdc courier of news and information on the subject, many surfers attacked in recent days the cost of using the mail. Sliding Maya wrote: "Obviously, they have implemented dtdc courier what suits them at public expense and not put on us as usual." Erez added: "bury small businesses in Israel",
LED added, "were filled functioning properly, but also do not provide packages, including a two-day waiting queues and raise the price. Israel as Israel." Efrat wrote: "What insolence. Because of the losses of Israel Post, we are artists and designers have to absorb this crazy upload it almost double the previous price".
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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

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Monday, March 16, 2015

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Sunday, March 15, 2015

When Israeli boss and other workers around you most Israelis - much Itotr than that which will give

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