Thursday, March 26, 2015

5. From HR Ahmad, Al Bazzar, Abu Al Hakim.Rasulullah Ya

1. Allah does not explain the invocation there are 3 possibilities: 1Allah will defer / delay in the hereafter alone, and it was better. 2. Because God wants to avoid similar disasters 3. As Allah to avoid calamity that great.
1. Tawassul (wasilah / intermediary) that are in the hadith of the Prophet is a good deed itself, with the others who are still alive, using Asmaa-ul Husna (eg: with thy mercy, O God, I beseech ... call application) @ ded that tidakdilakukan by the prophet is to mention the names of scholars or guardian who has passed away, so that they (supposedly) the person who submits himself to Allah bertawasul.
1. From HR Ahmad.Rasulullah saw.bersabda, "Selakyanya speedpost tracking people who have a healthy mind four times: a time for prayer, (worship), and a time to tafakkur (think), there is no time for reflection (introspection / muses) and a time to make ends meet.
1. From Bukhari of Ustman ra.Rasulullah said, "Allah, His angels, inhabitants of the heavens and the earth to the ant in its hole, even fish also pray for safety for teachers of good things to people."
3. Adab prayer and guidance from the Book of the Prophet: Ikhlas and not associate anything with Allah, begins and ends with praise Allah and the Prophet speedpost tracking Muhammad saw.Sungguh speedpost tracking bersholawat seriously and will sure dikabulkan.Tidak hurry and do not give asa.Khusuk andnot self-expression keras.Mengakui dananugerah speedpost tracking his sins and ask for forgiveness-Nya.Diawali for yourself if you want to pray for people lain.Hendaknya food, drink, clothing, and other assets acquired by legitimate means.
4. From a variety of sources. The most effective time and situation speedpost tracking (concluding prayer) based on the testimony of the Prophet saw.antara: 1) Laylat al-Qadr 2) the end of the night 3) completed the obligatory prayers 4) between the Adhan and Iqama 5) when the azan 6) when bow 7) when the rain 8) during speedpost tracking fierce speedpost tracking fighting in the way of Allah 9) Friday 10) when I wake up at night with a prayer that exemplified the Prophet 11) when sleeping in a pure state and wake up at the end of the night then prayed 12) prayer laa ilaha illa speech accompanied speedpost tracking Anta subhaanaka inni kuntu minadz dzaalimiin (Jonah's prayer as) 13) prayers of many people died after an incident 14) after praising Allah and blessings on the Prophet Muhammad in the end tasyahud 15) With mentioned and bertawassul with Al-Asmaa-ul Husna 16) a prayer for Muslims muuslim other from a distance 17) during Ramadan 18) when Muslim worshipers gathered in taklim 19) prayer for the people who dizholimi menzhaliminya 20) prayers of parents for their children 21) prayers of people who are traveling / travel 22) people were fasting speedpost tracking and prayer when breaking 23) prayers of people who are suffering 24) prayer leader just 25) prayer of righteous child to both parents.
5. From HR Ahmad, Al Bazzar, Abu Al Hakim.Rasulullah Ya'la and said, "No one who prays muslimpun with a prayer that's not a prayer regarding sin or on efforts to decide silahturrahim, except Allah will give him with one of three possibilities: immediately fulfilled his prayer, his or kept as savings or reward in the Hereafter he avoided Him from danger or evil that sebanding.Para companions asked, 'What if we multiply?' He replied, "God will multiply again "
6. From HR Muttafaq'alaih of Abu Huraiarah ra.Rasulullah said, "The prayer will be granted for one of you, as long as it is not in a hurry, by saying (in a tone of disappointment and protest), 'I speedpost tracking have prayed to the Lord , but it turns out he did not grant my prayer '
1) From Muslim, speedpost tracking Nasa'i.Ibnu Abbas said, "When the Prophet was with Gabriel, suddenly he heard a voice from heaven bergerumuh so he tossed his head, Jibril said, 'Surely it is clear that open when previously speedpost tracking unopened at all, 'then comes an angel who came to the Prophet and said,' Rejoice with two light that was never given to any Prophet except you, the Opening of the Book (Al-Quran opening speedpost tracking / Al Fatihah) and verses cover letter Al Baqarah.Tidaklah you pronounce the letters unless definitely is (always) speedpost tracking "
2) From HR.Abu ra.Rasulullah Hurairah said, "Whoever is stepping out of the house reciting the couch, then Allah will bring him seventy thousand angels then they asked forgiveness

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