How is it possible tracking number to lose aircraft tracking number in the 21st century? | NetPress
Bond will be used to restore the former debt from the Ministry of Finance and National tracking number have begun talks on economy ... 15:06
Besimi Brussels: The start of negotiations with the EU to speed up reforms and strengthen the credibility of the institutions of Parliament gave the green light to bill for Real Estate Shop
How is it possible to lose aircraft in the 21st century? In the era of developed technologies for monitoring, satellite communications, and information about everything and everyone as a possible tracking number plane with 239 people disappear without tracking number a trace and voice
Rescue teams from nine countries and continues to thrive is to track down the aircraft "Boeing 777" with 239 passengers and crew, and there were many theories about what happened, but experts still refuse to give final response and to speculate about the reasons for the disappearance.
Whatever happened, happened quickly and disastrously, say experts. The fact that everything is played over the ocean, probably over the South China Sea, it may mean that it will take months and even years before to understand. The ocean is a big place and finding traces will run slowly. The investigators were needed two years to find the black boxes of Flight 447 "Air France" that crashed tracking number over the Atlantic on June 2009.
What is worst is that the plane simply disappeared without a trace. The captain, who has over 18,000 hours spent in flight, did not issue any warning. There is no evidence tracking number that the problem appeared. This is not too unusual because the priority for cabin staff in such situations is to resolve the existing problems.
"It is quite unusual in such situations to issue a distress signal. Everything can be played in two ways. First things are going bad so quickly and so simply no time to send out a call for help, while in the second scenario, the staff on the plane first seen to cope with the problem, "he argued.
Misconception is that the pilots in the planes are in constant communication with air traffic tracking number control and aircraft constantly monitor tracking number the radar. When the aircraft is away 100 or more kilometers from the coast, the radar no longer works. Simply no such range. In that moment civilian aircraft communicate mainly through high-frequency radio. Pilots during flight tracking number arising from certain tracking number fixed points tracking number announcing the location of the aircraft, speed and height while some communication systems require pilots call because all data sent via satellite link.
However, flight MH370 to "Malaysian Airlines" certainly not so quietly disappeared. Many commercial aircraft have specific locators emergency the pilot at a time can trigger and can be activated in certain circumstances such as a conflict with water, although it is true to great depths.
Although civil aviation does not possess technology to monitor over the sea, army and security agencies have so much as a warship, plane or moons managed to come to some trails.
If the plane crashed, he must fall somewhere, tracking number which means that there should be debris from the spacecraft. However, after days of searching, no one has yet found any trace. This is unusual, but not unprecedented.
One possible explanation may be that rescuers simply looking in the wrong place because they are not sure where the plane crashed, and it is possible to fall in aionot stayed in one piece and simply sank.
However, experts believe that it is too early and that constantly too obscure about what happened. However, many agree that whatever happened, happened at high altitude so that the remains are scattered very large area.
All aerodynamic parts of the aircraft as part of the wings during tracking number the crash would only fled in an unknown direction as a bag of wind, while the heavier parts such as engine would just fallen down. This happened when the space shuttle Columbia exploded over witchcraft and sorcery in the Earth's atmosphere on February 1, 2003.
Assad sworn in for new presidential term
* Netpress tracking number not to publish comments that contain hate speech that discriminate on the basis of gender, social, ethnic origin or sexual orientation, as well as comments that call for ethnic, religious, racial, ethnic or political violence and intolerance.
Bojan Seraphinoff among the best mathematicians in the world 8 views | posted on 09:26 (Video) Russian woman was run over by a truck in January, she stood up and walked 6 views | posted on 20:16 Kramer recalls that played in the final 6 views | posted on 13 02 Stress slows metabolism 3 views | posted on 21:13 educators punished for not allowing their children to eat moldy bread! tracking number 3 views | posted on 17:14
Secret meeting contract tracking number inflame
Bond will be used to restore the former debt from the Ministry of Finance and National tracking number have begun talks on economy ... 15:06
Besimi Brussels: The start of negotiations with the EU to speed up reforms and strengthen the credibility of the institutions of Parliament gave the green light to bill for Real Estate Shop
How is it possible to lose aircraft in the 21st century? In the era of developed technologies for monitoring, satellite communications, and information about everything and everyone as a possible tracking number plane with 239 people disappear without tracking number a trace and voice
Rescue teams from nine countries and continues to thrive is to track down the aircraft "Boeing 777" with 239 passengers and crew, and there were many theories about what happened, but experts still refuse to give final response and to speculate about the reasons for the disappearance.
Whatever happened, happened quickly and disastrously, say experts. The fact that everything is played over the ocean, probably over the South China Sea, it may mean that it will take months and even years before to understand. The ocean is a big place and finding traces will run slowly. The investigators were needed two years to find the black boxes of Flight 447 "Air France" that crashed tracking number over the Atlantic on June 2009.
What is worst is that the plane simply disappeared without a trace. The captain, who has over 18,000 hours spent in flight, did not issue any warning. There is no evidence tracking number that the problem appeared. This is not too unusual because the priority for cabin staff in such situations is to resolve the existing problems.
"It is quite unusual in such situations to issue a distress signal. Everything can be played in two ways. First things are going bad so quickly and so simply no time to send out a call for help, while in the second scenario, the staff on the plane first seen to cope with the problem, "he argued.
Misconception is that the pilots in the planes are in constant communication with air traffic tracking number control and aircraft constantly monitor tracking number the radar. When the aircraft is away 100 or more kilometers from the coast, the radar no longer works. Simply no such range. In that moment civilian aircraft communicate mainly through high-frequency radio. Pilots during flight tracking number arising from certain tracking number fixed points tracking number announcing the location of the aircraft, speed and height while some communication systems require pilots call because all data sent via satellite link.
However, flight MH370 to "Malaysian Airlines" certainly not so quietly disappeared. Many commercial aircraft have specific locators emergency the pilot at a time can trigger and can be activated in certain circumstances such as a conflict with water, although it is true to great depths.
Although civil aviation does not possess technology to monitor over the sea, army and security agencies have so much as a warship, plane or moons managed to come to some trails.
If the plane crashed, he must fall somewhere, tracking number which means that there should be debris from the spacecraft. However, after days of searching, no one has yet found any trace. This is unusual, but not unprecedented.
One possible explanation may be that rescuers simply looking in the wrong place because they are not sure where the plane crashed, and it is possible to fall in aionot stayed in one piece and simply sank.
However, experts believe that it is too early and that constantly too obscure about what happened. However, many agree that whatever happened, happened at high altitude so that the remains are scattered very large area.
All aerodynamic parts of the aircraft as part of the wings during tracking number the crash would only fled in an unknown direction as a bag of wind, while the heavier parts such as engine would just fallen down. This happened when the space shuttle Columbia exploded over witchcraft and sorcery in the Earth's atmosphere on February 1, 2003.
Assad sworn in for new presidential term
* Netpress tracking number not to publish comments that contain hate speech that discriminate on the basis of gender, social, ethnic origin or sexual orientation, as well as comments that call for ethnic, religious, racial, ethnic or political violence and intolerance.
Bojan Seraphinoff among the best mathematicians in the world 8 views | posted on 09:26 (Video) Russian woman was run over by a truck in January, she stood up and walked 6 views | posted on 20:16 Kramer recalls that played in the final 6 views | posted on 13 02 Stress slows metabolism 3 views | posted on 21:13 educators punished for not allowing their children to eat moldy bread! tracking number 3 views | posted on 17:14
Secret meeting contract tracking number inflame
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