Friday, July 18, 2014

For municipalities reporting on the percentage of the seven most commonly mentioned was 46%, as it

Monitoring of the media coverage of topics related to local elections in 2013 is part of my choice of MCIC and IDSCS. Agregiranjeto the information presented in it is done in collaboration pos laju with portal The presented data are collected from 62 media outlets that have their on-line editions.
Topics pos laju are divided into five categories: political parties, municipalities (incl. Skopje), mayoral candidates, issues relevant to local development (in accordance with the legal responsibilities of municipalities) pos laju and media.
Publish monitored and analyzed on a daily basis, with charts for each day of the campaign. Experts have made three weekly sections of the notice, and this is the total cross section of the post for the local elections in 2013 which covers the period from 4 to 24 March 2013.
The share of seven media reporting on local elections pos laju in 2013 varied from 48% to 54%. A1ON is always top of the list (11%), and variations in three weeks by 1 percentage point. Plus info (9%) and Sitel (8%) occasionally change pos laju positions on the list, but certainly in the top three most media reporting on local elections 2013th Courier (7%) is always a fourth on the list, and then follow MK Sky (6%). The list of the seven most media reporting on local elections in the first week and Net Press.
In post that mentions political parties in the three weeks had mild fluctuations. Most prevalent in the media VMRO-DPMNE 42% of the total reported related local elections 2013th VMRO-DPMNE had the highest representation in the first week of the campaign, 46%, which then slowly decreased pos laju to 40% in the third week. Two dominant SDSM with 34%. The presence of SDSM media varied by 1 percentage point from week to week. And in DUI fluctuations were one percentage point in the weekly sections, total attendance at the end of follow-up was 8%. Anything lower is the presence pos laju of DPA in the media and is 5%, as it was in the first and third week. For a place in the seven most frequently mentioned in the elections and Dignity VMRO-NP with 2% and 1% with the NDP. Dignity and VMRO-NP did not show up in the top seven in the first week and the second one had us in the second week section. As for the NDP, it was 2% in the first week and the second section, and absent in the third. The other political parties have remained 6% of the media.
For municipalities reporting on the percentage of the seven most commonly mentioned was 46%, as it was in the first week. Then the second increase of 49%, and the third fell to 44%. Most reporting on LinkedIn pos laju 13%, then the center (9%), Karposh (7%) and Ohrid (5%). Percentages are also reporting Bitola, Strumica and Ki, 2%. Outside of Centre and Karpo none of the other municipalities in Skopje never reached the seven municipalities of the most interesting media. Four (Center Karposh, Strumica and Ki) of the seven municipalities and the City of Skopje were constant in all three weekly sections. The interest of the media occasionally introduce in the Seven and Kumanovo and Struga.
Commonly mentioned seven mayoral pos laju candidates have 34% of media space devoted to local elections 2013th The first weekly section, seven mayoral candidates had even 45% of the space. Then this percentage decreased in favor of other candidates in the third week reached 32%. Average interest were the most Andrei Petrov and Kotze Trajanovski by 7%, while the second group includes candidates with 4% and Jani Makraduli Jagnula Kunovska Zoran Zaev Vladimir Todorovic and Stevco Yakimovski. Interest candidates roughly follows the interest of municipalities. By that logic, there Karposh interesting candidates, three of them were on the list of the seven most frequently mentioned in the media. From this list, five remain in the game in the second round.
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Tocno e deka A1ON e na vrvot na listata po intenziteton na izvestuvanje, no sto pravime so varijablata, kvalitet na izvestuvanjeto? Dali vo A1ON ste se zaprasale na koe od poslednite 2-3 mesta se naodjate po odnos na ovaa varijabla? Vo novinarstvoto kvantitetot ne sekogas proadja, no kvalitetot, posebno na dolgi pateki, pos laju bogami, da.Zatoa pamet vo glava i vo idnina potrudete se pomalku da go lazete pos laju narodot.I zadolzitelno da primenuvate, pos laju istrazuvacko novinarstvo, so fakti, de.
A1 on not to publish content that contain a reference to religious, racial, ethnic hatred, contain direct calls to violence or discriminate in

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