Thursday, April 2, 2015

Fadi Surat Yasin Prophet has said,

Fadi Surat Yasin Prophet has said, "Recite Surat Yassin because it contains blessings", ie: When people are hungry recite Surah Yassin, it becomes full. If people do not have clothes will get clothing. If the person bongo international is not married, soon got a mate. If in fear of the fear. If a prisoner is released. If traveling read it, will get pleasure from what he sees. If you get lost, get to the place of destination. If you read to the person who has died, God chastising ease. If people who thirst to read, lost his thirst. If you read to the sick, protected bongo international from the disease. Messenger of Allah said, "Verily, all things have a heart and liver were Yassin al-Quran. Whoever reads a letter Yassin, Allah writes the reward as the reward of reading the Quran 10 times. Word of the Prophet, "When the time comes for those who like to read a letter Yassin on every day, go down some angels lined up alongside Angel of Death. They pray and ask God has forgiven his sins, watched as his body is washed and also pray for him ". Angel of Death did not want to force you to kill people who love to read Yassin until Angel Ridwan came from heaven to bring him a drink. When he drank it and felt it would be nice to put in the grave with happiness and do not feel pain when his life was taken. He said further: bongo international "Whoever two and offered prayers on Friday night, a letter read at the first cycles bongo international and the second cycles Tabaroka Yassin, Allah created bongo international every point of light in front of days later and he would accept the legalization of documents in the hands of the right and be given the opportunity to defend 70 people of the members of his house but anyone who doubts this statement, he is a hypocrite people.
Ass .. I guess we do each amaliyah worship anything, as long as the intention is based on self-Ikhlas because Allah, bongo international Insha Allah Fa ... blessing, priorities and Fadhilah described in some hadith or other evidence of scholars, Allah willing we will peroleh..Walloohu a'lam bishshowwab ...
I think each of us do amaliyah worship bongo international anything, as long as it is based with the intention of distinguished Ikhlash because Allah, Insha Allah ... blessings, virtue and Fadhilah described in several hadiths, or other information from the Ulama, with the permission of God we will get .. Walloohu a'lam bishshowwab ...
Al-Qur'an is to be read throughout the day as our guide in this life are not the Prophet said: If you want to secure world and the Hereafter hold fast to the Book and the Sunnah. so if you can not read the surah yasin but not in others also murah2 dong.
if I can possibly help every man has to hold messages always read every day, every time .. maybe one letter yasin .. because any benefits that each letter has a different ...
Good God Almighty give guidance to Wahabi, because many of pemgikutnya who do not understand and do not understand the science of religion was the most pious but indeed they are in manifest error. bongo international In fact Wahhabi lived very far from the era Rosulloloh SAW, ameen.
We suggest bongo international that when we give comment about religious issues do not rely on the opinion of ro'yu (mind / logic) and encouragement desires / taste. But must be based on the proposition syar'i derived from the Qur'an and the Hadith Sahih. Know that the Qur'an is the primary function as instructions for humans and as distinguishing right and wrong. The main fadhilah of the Qur'an is anyone who read, understand and practice the contents of the Qur'an will secure world hereafter.
Abdullah bin Mubarak said: I thought the weight that people zindiq (mock Islam) that has made it narrations (hadiths about the fadhilah certain letters). And Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyah said: All the hadith that says, whoever reads this letter will be rewarded thus and so HADITS ABOUT ALL THAT IS FALSE. Those who fabricate hadiths that have admitted themselves. They said our goal to create a false hadith is that people are busy with (read certain letters of Al-Qur'an) and keep them away from the contents of the Qur'an else, also books other than Al-Qur ' an. [Check: Saheeh Al-Manarul Munffish Wadh-weak, p. 113-115]
after reading the contents of this blog and the comments seem to me personally of the opinion: Abul Laith narrated by Abu Huraira sanadnya of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said: "Do not hate hate and do not hasud menghasud and do not bargain for menjerumu

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