Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Acting Chairman of the Regional us postage Universities Nd CCM Zanzibar. Machano Haji Machano he pr

Members of Provincial Universities CCM Zanzibar engaging forum Fulfillment 50 years of the Zanzibar Revolution of 1964 liliofanyika in the hall of the Hotel Grand Palace Malindi Zanzibar Town.
Acting Chairman of the Regional us postage Universities Nd CCM Zanzibar. Machano Haji Machano he prepares to invite Member of Executive Committee Ambassador Seif open forum colleges us postage have fulfilled the 50 years of the Revolution. His right is the guest of honor of the opening of the Forum Member of the Executive Committee Baalozi Seif, Secretary of the Department of Politics and International Relations Office Executive Kisiwandui Hon. Kisauni Hamad Yussuf and left the Ambassador Seif is the Mayor of the Municipality of Zanzibar us postage client Abdullrahman Khatib.
Member of the Executive Committee us postage of the National Executive Committee of CCM Ambassador Seif Ali Idd he opened the Youth Forum of Regional Universities Zanzibar CCM celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Zanzibar Revolution of 1964
Member of the Executive Committee of the National Executive Committee of the Association of Hon. Steven Wasira is the one who officiated at the installation of the Conference of Regional Universities CCM Zanzibar was greeted by the conference on the porch of the Garand us postage Palace Hotel Zanzibar Urban Malindi.
Members of Provincial Universities CCM Zanzibar engaging forum Fulfillment 50 years of the Zanzibar Revolution of 1964 liliofanyika in the hall of the Hotel Grand Palace Malindi Zanzibar Town.
His right is Acting Chairman of Regional Universities Nd CCM Zanzibar. Haji Machano comments and Urban West Regional Commissioner Abdullah Mwinyi, is left Ambassador fellow Member of Executive Committee, Hon. Steven Wasira and client Zanzibar Municipal Mayor Khatib Abdullrahman.
CCM is intended to give more attention to young elite universities who are members of the association in providing more opportunities for learning in higher education with the aim of building the capacity of their members to use it well in terms of the Professional.
Member of the Executive Committee of the National Executive Committee of CCM Ambassador Seif Ali Idd made the statement as he opened the forum one day and Universities Region Zanzibar CCM held in the hall of the Hotel Grand Palace Malindi Zanzibar Town.
Ambassador Seif, who is also the Second Vice President of Zanzibar said youth is the main resource of any nation in the world there. So Revolutionary Party has every reason to build a conducive environment better serve young people in their nation.
He urged the youths of the region CCM Zanzibar universities to ensure that they are forced us postage to talk about their plight especially in the pursuit of knowledge an acceptable profession at all in employment and build their own Serikaliitakuwa recommendations or resolutions have already received them.
Ambassador Seif notified that clearly understands the history of Zanzibar No. kilichopigania a freedom Association of islands of ASP It was on the process of organizing a synergy to educate its young people from the agony of children will not have made a profession of farmers islands.
However, he said it is sad to see some of the leaders us postage in this nation do not want to recognize Zanzibar Revolution of 1964 and achieve us postage using their power to disrupt vielelezeo kuvichoma Revolution of fire.
The member of the Executive Committee of the National Executive Committee of CCM Ambassador Seif congratulated the young men of the Province of Colleges Viku CCM Zanzibar for their efforts to celebrate the Zanzibar Revolution fulfilled 50 years despite us postage the fact that a large percentage of them are not unaware as they were still
"Very Nimefarajika and your topic you chose on your forum that this is a revolutionary concept today's youth, youth movements and the development of science and technology, Role of young professionals with the National Youth and Development". Ambassador Seif said.
In support of the efforts of these young elite universities Zanzibar Ambassador Seif said Association kitaandaa order to meet with the leadership of the province of Zanzibar CCM universities in an effort to find ways to cope with the challenges faced.
In their message the members of Regional Colleges and Universities CCM Zanzibar iliyowasilisha Zeyana brother said the movement for the establishment of colleges region has come to unite the students of the college as well as building the capacity of professionals servicing the party and the government us postage in terms of patriotism.
Zeyana brother said there appeared significant progress made in the introduction that Region 200 includes the increasing number of scholars in various universities in the country despite the presence of some change fire.
"We have different challenges arise, we instituted our region especially the issue of lack of fund to run the province, including a shortage of resources and lack of credit for members of our region". He explained Brother Zeyana.
He stressed that these young men have now decided to fight to move and not

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