And Grace Michael IN ensure the government touches every grievance available in the budget for fiscal year 2011/2012 st courier has emerged a new priority that is not kikuwemo employment creation in the priorities of the past three years. Priorities that the government has ikivipa attention to kuvitengea billions of shillings include st courier education, st courier infrastructure, health, agriculture, energy and water. Presenting st courier parliament in Dodoma last budget for 2011/12, the Minister of Finance, Mr. Mustapha Mkullo he mention whatsoever on the budget priorities that include electricity, water, agriculture, expand employment and infrastructure for rail, road, ports, airports and others. Mr. Filter pointing priority jobs admitted that it has been a great challenge for the government but he means the various programs established by the government for dealing st courier with the problem. He said that the Agriculture Zone Plan is one program that will help in reducing the poverty of the country but will also help in increasing employment. "Improved crop farming, processing, enabling small and medium-En-trepreneur Fair, create a conducive environment especially the availability st courier of credit, and training for En-trepreneur Fair will help in reducing the problem of unemployment in the country," st courier said mr. Filter. st courier Mr. Strainer, said the government has allocated sh Infrastructure. 3.7 trillion for roads, st courier ports, railways, axon National airports. He said the energy sector has been allocated Shs. 539.3 billion, water sh. 621.6 billion, agriculture sh. 926 billion, education ikitengewa sh. with 2.2 trillion health with sh. 1.2 trillion. Priorities which have been in the past three years budgets for 2008/09, 2009/010, 2010/011 to include Education, Infrastructure, Health, Agriculture, Water and Energy and Mining. Along with providing many such priorities, the government has failed to genuinely st courier make a difference even in some of these priorities, making steps to advise people to give a few priorities that itavisimamia sincerely and finally show the changes. According to the budget st courier in 2008/2009 education was allocated Shs. 1.2 trillion, equivalent to 17 percent of the budget, said that the 2009/2010 education st courier was allocated Shs. 1743.9 billion while the 2010/2011 ikitengewa sh. 2 trillion. Mindombinu priority that is has been a great concern in various parts of the country in 2008/09 was a sh. 971.9 billion, 2009/10 sh. 1,096.6 billion while in 2010/11 Allowing sh. 1,505.1 billion. He said that agriculture kilitengewa sh 481 billion, 2008/09 and 2009/10, sh. 666.9 billion, 2010/11 has been allocated Shs. 903.8 billion. He said that the health sector for 2008/09 was allocated Shs. 784.5 billion, 2009/10 sh. 963 billion by 2010/11 sh. 1,205.9 billion. Energy Sector, 2008/09 was allocated Shs. 382 billion, and the 2009/2010 sh. 285.5 billion. He said that the 2010/2011 allocated Shs. 327.2 billion while sh Allowing the water industry. st courier billion 217 2008/09, sh. 347.3 billion in 2009/10 st courier and sh. 397.6 billion for 2010/2011.
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