Monday, January 27, 2014

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Chicken Fund with tomato, rosemary and porcini | Birgitta Höglund Paleo
Blog Statistics 45.725 hits Recent Posts Guest Recipe: "Ägglatte" from CrossFit Coach / Athlete Whole örtkyckling baked Paleobrunch - egg salad with mussels pos laju tracking and Brittle frökex Paleo Mug Cake Räkgryta with sting Archives pos laju tracking January 2014 Categories Beverages Poultry Fish Pork Funds Breakfast food Gluten free and dairy free bread and pastries Candy and desserts Green accessory organ meats Lamb Sausage Links to Paleobloggar Beef Paleogröt and Smoothies Recipes pos laju tracking from blog friends Sauces Seafood Tapas and Finger Food Welcome! Vegetarian Game Charts Follow by Email
Chicken Fund 1 organic chicken 2 large tomatoes 2 carrots 2 onions 1 cup dried porcini leek 2 cloves garlic 3 sprigs rosemary 1 small bunch of stems of parsley 2 bay leaves 10 white peppercorns 1 -2 tbsp sea salt
Bring to a boil again and simmer, covered, for 45-60 minutes, depending on how large the chicken is. Take up the hull, leave to cool a little pos laju tracking and then cut off the breasts that you can cut up into slices and serve with any good sauce and vegetables.
The vegetables and mushrooms, pos laju tracking you can mix and mix with a can of coconut milk and 2 cups of the fund. Boil the soup along with the cooked chicken meat and coarsely chopped spinach leaves. Season with salt, pepper and a dash of apple cider vinegar, it enhances the flavor. Serve with boiled egg halves and a dollop pos laju tracking of aioli.
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Recent Posts Guest Recipe: "Ägglatte" from CrossFit Coach / Athlete Whole örtkyckling baked Paleobrunch - egg salad with mussels and Brittle frökex Paleo Mug Cake Räkgryta with sting Archives January 2014 Categories Beverages Poultry Fish Pork Funds Breakfast food Gluten free and dairy free bread and pastries Sweets and desserts Green accessory organ meats Lamb Sausage Links to Paleobloggar Beef Paleogröt and Smoothies pos laju tracking Recipes from blog friends Sauces Seafood Tapas and Finger Food Welcome! pos laju tracking Vegetarian Game Meta Register Log in Entries RSS Comments RSS Blog at
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